Product Documentation

Utilities - Clientctinfo - ISAM File Info

Database Integrity Utilities

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ctinfo - ISAM File Info

Operational Model:

  • Client
  • Standalone


ctinfo FileName [-isam] [-rdkeys] [<UserId> [<UserPassword> [<ServerName>]]]


ctinfo retrieves IFIL and DODA structures from a FairCom DB file as well as XCREblk extended header information if available. This utility is useful in both client-server and standalone mode.

  • -isam - Open the specified data file in ISAM mode (V10.3 and later). See below.
  • -rdkeys - If this option is enabled, ctinfo opens the data file and associated indexes at the ISAM level instead of performing a low-level open, which avoids FRSKEY error: 26. Without this option, ctinfo does not cause FairCom Server to log replication diagnostics; an ISAM level file open used by -rdkeys will cause the details to be logged.
  • ServerName defaults to FAIRCOMS if not provided.

    Note: The ISAM open requires the index files to exist and to be accessible, unlike the low-level open which requires only the data file to exist.

Authentication File

This utility supports the use of an encrypted password file. Encrypted password files keep user IDs and passwords from plain view when the utility is used within a script file. They are created with the ctcmdset utility. The plain text form of the file should be:

; User Id
; User Password
PASSWD <pass>

Use the -1 option to specify the name of the encrypted file.

Index Compression Modes

The file information utility, ctinfo, displays index compression modes as included in the key type when displaying index information.


IIDX #2 {

/* key length */ 4,

/* key type */ 2048, (0x0800 = KTYP_KEYCOMPSRLE)

/* duplicate flag */ 0,

/* null key flag */ 0,

/* empty character */ 0,

/* number of segments */ 1,

/* r-tree symbolic index */ cm_custnumb_idx,

/* alternate index name */ 0000000000000000,

/* alternate collating seq */ 0000000000000000,

/* alternate pad byte */ 0000000000000000,



In V10.3 and later, the ctinfo -isam option causes the utility to open the specified data file in ISAM mode. This option is useful for checking if a REPLICATE keyword enables replication for the file.

In V11 and later, the ctinfo utility outputs the header record for fixed-length files or the header key count for each logical index. For example:

Header Count

4776 keys in index 0

4776 keys in index 1

4776 keys in index 2

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ctinfo Sample Output

c-tree Plus(R) IFIL and DODA Extraction Utility.

This utility extracts file and field information from the file you

specify and displays that information. If the required IFIL and DODA

resources are present, the data file should work with the FairCom

Drivers. The ODBC interface requires detailed information about the

relationship between data and index files and the layout of records

within a data file. This information is stored in the IFIL and DODA.

..\admin_custmast.dat is a variable-length data file.

Data record length = 40

Logical file size = 19802

Physical file size = 32768

File mode = 0x34 = VLENGTH TRNLOG

Schema ID = 0

Conditional Index Resource Details:

File does not have a conditional index resource.

Extended File Mode Details:

ctFRC2HDRS : file has extended header

ctTRANDEP : file is transaction-dependent

ctFILEPOS8 : file uses 8-byte file offsets

ctFILCRECHKmd3 : file created and no subsequent checkpoint

Extended File Creation Block:

extended file mode : 0x40000052

segment file size : 0

max total file size : 0

1st file extent size : 0

file extent size : 0

max # of segments : 1

disk full threshold : 0

File Definition Mask Details:

DEF_MASK_IFIL2 : extended IFIL structures

DEF_MASK_SPCMGT : unambiguous superfile space management

DEF_MASK_PSCL24 : complete Pascal string def

DEF_MASK_XTDPRM : extended permission mask




DEF_MASK_PARTIN : partition files


/* data file name */ ..\admin_custmast,

/* data file number */ -1,

/* data record length */ 40,

/* data extension size */ 0,


/* number of indices */ 2,

/* index extension size */ 0,

/* index file mode */ 50 = ctFIXED TRNLOG EXCLUSIVE PERMANENT

/* first r-tree field */ 0000000000000000,

/* last r-tree field */ 0000000000000000,

/* temporary file number*/ -1


IIDX #0 {

/* key length */ 8,

/* key type */ 0,

/* duplicate flag */ 0,

/* null key flag */ 0,

/* empty character */ 0,

/* number of segments */ 1,

/* r-tree symbolic index */ $ROWID$,

/* alternate index name */ 0000000000000000,

/* alternate collating seq */ 0000000000000000,

/* alternate pad byte */ 0000000000000000,


ISEG [] {

{16, 8, 3},


IIDX #1 {

/* key length */ 4,

/* key type */ 0,

/* duplicate flag */ 4,

/* null key flag */ 0,

/* empty character */ 0,

/* number of segments */ 1,

/* r-tree symbolic index */ admin_custmast_sys_001,

/* alternate index name */ ..\admin_custmast_sys_001.idx,

/* alternate collating seq */ 0000000000000000,

/* alternate pad byte */ 0000000000000000,


ISEG [] {

{3, 4, 12},



flavor: 2

align: 8

delimiter: '\0' (0 decimal)

padding: ' ' (32 decimal)

map length: 76

nbr fields: 10

nbr blocks: 10


field offset field type length

----- ------ ---------- ------

$DELFLD$ 0 CT_ARRAY (128) 9

$NULFLD$ 9 CT_ARRAY (128) 1

$ROWID$ 16 CT_INT8 (231) 8

cm_custnumb 24 CT_FSTRING (144) 4

cm_custzipc 28 CT_FSTRING (144) 9

cm_custstat 37 CT_FSTRING (144) 2

cm_custrtng 39 CT_FSTRING (144) 1

cm_custname 40 CT_2STRING (162) 49

cm_custaddr 89 CT_2STRING (162) 49

cm_custcity 138 CT_2STRING (162) 49

Header Count

4776 keys in index 0

4776 keys in index 1

4776 keys in index 2

The required IFIL and DODA resources are present.

A special data types DLL may be required to access

this file with the FairCom(R) Drivers.

Contact your application vendor for details.
