Product Documentation

Utilities - Standalonectsqlmgr - Migration Utility

Database Integrity Utilities

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ctsqlmgr - Migration Utility

The ctsqlmgr utility is used for migrating tables. This utility physically relocates data files for use with FairCom DB SQL.

It is important to note the migrated new tables could very well not be accessible with your existing ISAM application. If you have requirements to share data between existing ISAM applications and FairCom DB SQL you should consider using the FairCom DB SQL Import Utility.

Operational Model:

  • Standalone


ctsqlmgr <original file> <destination file> [-s <sect>] [-m <memory KB>]

  • -s - The number of sectors.
  • -m - The amount of memory (in KB) to use during the rebuild process (50Mb default).

See Also
