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FairCom Connector for ThingWorx AlwaysOn

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ThingWorx AlwaysOn Connector


The FairCom Edge ThingWorx AlwaysOn plug-in connects c-tree to the ThingWorx IoT platform, which allows developers to model complex applications and dashboards. FairCom Edge provides full SQL and navigational access to your data persisted on the edge with very little change to your ThingWorx project. FairCom Edge can be added to your project with a simple drag and drop operation.

As opposed to other ThingWorx persistence solutions (e.g., JDBC, ADO, SQL), which connect to databases in the cloud, FairCom Edge persists data on the edge as well as in the cloud.

With FairCom Edge integration, it is easy to create the model in the ThingWorx platform based on existing data from FairCom Edge. No matter how your data is persisted on the edge (through c-treeDB Navigational APIs, SQL APIs, REST, MQTT, or OPC UA, etc.), this data is automatically updated in the platform with the desired frequency, from near real-time to a predefined frequency (e.g., one value per hour).

The FairCom Edge AlwaysOn connector is easy and intuitive. You can quickly add FairCom Edge to existing ThingWorx applications to locally persist data in the factory and automatically send it to ThingWorx.

This feature is designed for developers of ThingWorx applications. It requires minimum experience with ThingWorx Foundation and databases. The connector provides an easy way to map edge-persisted data to the properties of a "thing."

FairCom Edge maps "time series" tables into ThingWorx. A time series table is one in which new data values are stored by inserting new records / rows into the table, rather than by editing existing rows in the table. For example, imagine a device with several sensors. Every minute, those sensors are sampled and their values are stored in the table as one new row, often with a timestamp. This allows the table to track the sensors' values over time. When a column of that table is mapped into ThingWorx, ThingWorx receives the data from the last row that was inserted into the time-series table.

FairCom Edge collects data from MQTT and OPC UA at high speed from local devices. Its ThingWorx AlwaysOn connector uploads these newly-inserted records directly into ThingWorx. Integrations with FairCom Edge can also update and delete records, but the FairCom Edge Always On Connector only loads the latest inserts into ThingWorx.

Let's get started...

See also:
