Diagnostic keywords are used to provide additional detailed FairCom DB monitoring of specific internal parameters and metrics. Typically, these keywords should only be used under the specific advice of a FairCom engineer as they may negatively impact the performance of your FairCom DB Server. Please do not hesitate to contact your nearest FairCom office should you have any questions regarding use of any of these keywords.
WARNING: The keywords listed below should be used ONLY on the advice of your application developer. They can seriously alter the operation of the FairCom DB Server.
Checks to see if the transaction log writes are skipping bytes.
Overrides the size of the default internal buffer for trapping the communications is 128K bytes. Should only be used under advice from a FairCom engineer.
Prepends a path onto the name of the communications trap file (TRAPCOMM.FCS). Should only be used under advice from a FairCom engineer.
Enables a method for generating a process core on an abnormal shutdown by having FairCom DB call abort().
Enables a circular memory buffer to hold information relevant to debugging a L59 error.
Causes the file mode for files affected by AUTO_PREIMG configuration entries to be augmented by one or both of ctCHECKLOCK and ctCHECKREAD. Not for changing the file mode stored on disk for the files in question.
Causes the file mode for files affected by the AUTO_TRNLOG configuration entry will be augmented by one or both of ctCHECKLOCK and ctCHECKREAD. Not for changing the file mode stored on disk for the files in question.
Used to tune UDEFER options. Internal FairCom engineering use only - Not for production use.
Enables communication diagnostics.
Enables logging diagnostic message to CTSTATUS.FCS when a DADV_ERR error occurs.
Enables high-resolution measurement of the time threads wait at each mutex and semaphore call.
Enables a general method to signal debugging intent and to input data for diagnostic or debugging use.
Forces the server to log each physical open of a non-extended transaction number file to the CTSTATUS.FCS file.
Causes the following four file counters to be output upon each logon and logoff: physical files open, logical files open, File Control Blocks (FCBs) in use, and FCBs available.
Enables at file close, a check to see if any buffer or cache pages have been missed when flushing and clearing the buffer/cache space.
Enables a check for unexpected instances of shadow updates during shadow entry clean-up and will list such updates in a server's CTSTATUS.FCS.
Enables an index tree-walk history which contains the nodes visited as well as the key comparisons made.
Enables, at the end of automatic recovery, all leaf nodes to be checked to see if any uncommitted key values were inadvertently treated as committed.
Reverts server to the prior behavior of a server termination with an L59 failure code when flaws are detected in abort node list processing
Enables LDAP diagnostic log messages to be written to CTSTATUS.FCS.
Displays the net lock count upon each FairCom DB Server logon and logoff.
Enables the logon communications sequence to be output by the server.
Enables low-level CRC communication checks.
Enables debug information upon each memory alloc() (get) and free() (put) output to MEMLEAK.FCS. This option will result in extreme performance degradation.
Deprecated: Enables the FairCom Server memory tracking feature. Should be used only when recommended by a FairCom engineering team member - It will impact performance.
Disables the Exception Handler in case the addition of this error handler created any unexpected behavior.
Forces the transaction log extension logic to skip the writing of 0xff fill. The logs are then extended only as actual log writes take place.
Enables tracking the cumulative time spent finding each index node in the index cache.
Explicitly blocks certain keywords from being used in a subsequent stage of configuration loading.
Enables the occurrence of a PCRP_ERR to log a message to CTSTATUS.FCS and create a process stack trace or minidump of the process. Requires a custom build.
Enables FairCom DB to take the following actions before exiting: 1) Dump a process stack trace. 2) Display a dialog box on Windows.
Provides the current number of items in the FairCom DB Server queues.
Enables listing threads still active at server shutdown (causing the final system checkpoint to be skipped) to the CTSTATUS.FCS log file.
Enables a check that the log data is being correctly read into the replication buffer.
Forces FairCom DB to allocate memory directly from the heap instead of using its internal memory suballocator.
Enables low-level thread diagnostics.
When using a two-phase transaction commit on a local/master replication model, this keyword will log additional transaction errors to TR_TRAN.FCS in the server’s LOCAL_DIRECTORY.
Provides a net count of memory allocation requests. See also MEMORY_TRACK.
Causes transaction recovery log messages to be written to the file RECOVERY.FCS.
Enables an index tree-walk history which contains the nodes visited as well as the key comparisons made.
Writes a diagnostic message to CTSTATUS.FCS for each write that the server makes to the transaction logs.
Logs each change to a file update flag (updflg) to CTSTATUS.FCS.
Enable UNOD_ERR (51) diagnostic stack dump.
Causes the contents of a write request to be appended to the WRITE_ERR.FCS file and a notification to be logged to CTSTATUS.FCS if a WRITE_ERR occurs.
Causes all file names to be listed in the CTSTATUS.FCS file if it detects a file that is not under transaction control and does not have WRITETHRU defined.