Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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Instructs ctSQLImportTable() server-side logic to verify the admin password passed in the clear as parameter to the function instead of using the credential of the connected user to perform the link/unlink of the table to SQL.

Support has been added for ADMIN password encryption in V11.5 and later. This compatibility keyword instructs ctSQLImportTable() and the ctsqlimp utility (and ctsqlimp in c-treeRTG) to verify the admin password (if any).This keyword affects only c-treeRTG or Server SDK compiles calling ctSQLImportTable() on the server-side reusing the current session.

This server configuration option can be changed at runtime using the ctadmn utility or the ctSETCFG() API function.

  • To enable this option using ctadmn:
    Choose option 10, then option 10, then enter:
  • To disable this option using ctadmn:
    Choose option 10, then option 10, then enter: COMPATIBILITY ~SQLIMPORT_ADMIN_PASSWORD


This option was renamed from COMPATIBILITY SQLIMP_ADM_PASSWD in V11.5 and later.
