Product Documentation

c-treeRTG V2 Release Notes

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c-treeRTG Command-Line Utilities

This release of c-treeRTG includes a more robust set of command-line utilities to help you get your system up and running. The following fixes/enhancements have been made to these tools.

In This Chapter

Configuration Tool now recognizes "priority" and "casesensitivity" attributes

RTG Migrate Tool fixes

RTG Migrate fixes

Error 9/069: mfconvert sample program now checks source file organization

Multi-line comments at beginning of XDD or ctree.conf file

xddgen error generating XDD

"YYY undefined" error: xddgen failed to generate XDD when using RECORD VARYING DEPENDING ON

xddgen fixes on redefined keys

xddgen key definition warning on wrong schemas

xddgen premature exit

"Configuration syntax error": ctutil called with -c option failed

''File locked by another user": ctutil -rebuild did not show error messages on error

ctutil -run on Unix failed with error "invalid option" if command list file had EOL in DOS format

ctutil -run returned 1 when all commands were successful

ctutil -sqlcheck usage display was incorrect

ctutil -sqlize might crash on tables created with old RTG versions

ctutil -sqlize no longer fails with error 597 when not using "admin" login

ctutil -sqlize ERROR 19:4113:0 SQL table linkage failed

ctutil -sqlcheck did not permit -conv and -show at the same time

ctutil -sqlize without ADMIN password

ctSQLImportTable truncated password to 9 chars - possible 451 error (LPWD_ERR)

ctSQLImportTable errors unlinking MRT host table

ctutil -sqlize - Error 4022 on a multi-record table

ctaddrtgi utility properly handles on file with transaction support


RENAME operation requested from ACUCOBOL did not replace existing files

Error 652: ctutil file copy failed

Error 669 returned by ctutil -tron on old V6 files

Error 12 creating a file when iscobol.file.index.data_suffix= is set to a space
