Product Documentation

c-treeRTG V2 Release Notes

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ctutil -sqlize ERROR 19:4113:0 SQL table linkage failed

The c-treeRTG ctutil -sqlize command failed on a table that contained a field mapped to a SQL date (using dbtype="date") if an invalid format was specified. The following error was seen:

sqlize ERROR 19:4113:0 SQL table linkage failed

The above situation succeeded in releases prior to V11.x.x.15089 by ignoring the "dbtype" directive. The behavior has now been changed so that it will fail when the format is not correct, while taking into consideration the need to keep systems up and running if they already have linked tables with an incorrect XDD. The behavior is now as follows:

  1. The server-side behavior has been adjusted so that linked tables with a "bad" data format continue to work as before (i.e., ignoring the "dbtype").
  2. The client-side behavior (used during sqlize) now fails with error CTDBRET_CALLBACK_13 in case of a format error so that the dbtype directive is not ignored.
