Permits automatic CLNIDXX() during file open when a transaction high water mark, hghtrn, is found at file open to exceed the current transaction number.
When creating a c-tree data or index file, causes FairCom DB to automatically create directories for the filename that do not exist.
Restore Driver-Relative path handling as prior to V12.
Attempt to combine deleted space with adjacent deleted space in ctTRNLOG files that do not have a RECBYT index.
Specifies the desired file permission mode assigned to files on Unix systems.
On Unix, changes the number of file handles (at O/S level) that the O/S allows to be used by the FairCom Server.
Permits default file permissions to be assigned to one or more groups including two special groups: WORLD and OWNER.
Enables or disables inheriting file permissions from world to group to owner.
Determines the number of times to retry the close operation before failing.
Upon file creation or physical open, attaches the KEEPOPEN attribute to the data file (and its indexes) if the file is a data file that matches a <file spec> and the file creation/open is part of an ISAM creation or open.
Changes the limit FairCom Server sets for the number of active transaction logs that are kept for deferred indexing.
Limits number of files per user when auto resizing comes into effect (e.g., a file operation uses a file number beyond the existing client file range or a new file number is assigned automatically).
Specifies the maximum number of virtual files that may be opened at one time.
Sets the maximum number of hash bins allowed for a memory file at run time.
Enables creating memory files if the file matches the specified file name.
Sets the number of files when using the partitioning file rule.
Sets the default directory for temporary files.
Specifies the type of data compression type for files.
Forces FairCom DB to create data files whose names match the specified name with data compression enabled.
Enables Windows file system compression on specified data and index files.
Segmented Files
Force any huge file to be created as a segmented file.
Specifies behavior when an attempt to create a new file segment encounters an existing segment with the same name and the file ID matches the host file’s ID and other attributes.
Specifies behavior when an attempt to create a new file segment encounters an existing segment with the same name and the file ID does not match the host file’s ID and other attributes.
Diagnostics keywords are intended to be used to help collect data to be analyzed for troubleshooting. The use of these keywords should be avoided in normal operation as they may cause additional overhead (e.g., logging).
Enables the filename and list of open instances of that file to be logged to CTSTATUS.FCS when a partition member purge fails with error 718.