Product Documentation

Functionsc-treeDB Functions

FairCom DB V12 Updates

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c-treeDB Functions

JSON Handling

ctdbAddJSONSegment() added to support JSON indexing

ctdbGetFieldAsJSON() added to return JSON fields from tables

ctdbSetFieldAsJSON() added to retrieve a field as a CTJSON type value

ctdbSetJSONSegmentField() added to modify underlying JSON field segment properties

Table Dictionary Marks

ctdbAddTableXtd() extended to support table marks

ctdbFindTableDictionaryMark() finds tables matching filter

ctdbSetDatabaseTableMarkFilter() sets a filter for easier subsequent search

ctdbSetTableDictionaryMark() assigns a mask of 16 user-defined bitflags to a table

Field Masks

ctdbAddToFieldMask() added for faster field return performance using masks

ctdbIsFieldMaskOn() added to find if a field mask has been activated

ctdbRemoveFieldMask() added to empty and deactivate a field Mask.

Background Index Load

ctdbAddIndex() extended with background index load option

ctdbCheckFTIBackgroundLoad() added to check background FTI loading

ctdbCheckIndexBackgroundLoad() returns status of indexes loading in background

ctdbStartFTIBackgroundLoad() added to commence a background index load for a Full-Text Index (FTI)

Timestamp Handling

ctdbCurrentTimestamp() added to set current DATETIME with current time and millisecond precision

ctdbCurrentDateTimeUTC() added to set a DATETIME field with current UTC time and millisecond precision

ctdbSetFieldAutoSysTime() added to set automatic timestamps

ctdbTime*() and ctdbStringToTime() functions support CTTIME_TYPE format string in hh:mm:ss:ttt format


ctdbGetFieldAutoSysTime() gets auto timestamp status

ctdbSetBatchFilter() added to set a batch filter improving performance

ctdbSetBatchRangeOff() added to remove record batch range

ctdbSetBatchRangeOn() added to add record batch range

Embedded Server Functions

ctdbSetLogPath() sets transaction log path for standalone applications

ctdbSetStatusLogPath() sets CTSTATUS.FCS path for standalone applications

ctdbSetTempPath() function to set the path for temporary files

Other c-treeDB Additions

ctdbGetFieldStringEncoding() added to obtain the the encoding set on the field as a string

ctdbGetSegmentLength() retrieves index segment length

ctdbMoveTable() renames or moves table to new path

ctdbSetDictInSuperfile() specifies dictionary as multiple files or a single superfile

ctdbSetFieldAsBinary() enhanced with performance optimization in obtaining field buffers

ctdbSetFieldStringEncoding() added to set a field string encoding

ctdbSetTablePartitionMaximumActive() purges expired partitions

ctdbTableHasCallback() added to check of a table has any associated callback

ctdbTableHasLocks() added to check if a table has any active locks

ctdbTruncateTable() added to remove all records in an existing table
