Product Documentation

c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbSetDictInSuperfile

FairCom DB API for C

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Sets if the dictionary is created in a superfile (default) or in a standard, system file. By default, dictionaries are created in superfiles.


CTDBRET ctdbDECL ctdbSetDictInSuperfile(CTHANDLE Handle, CTBOOL superfile)


FairCom DB API now has the capability to create session and database dictionaries as regular tables instead of superfiles. When using this feature, FairCom DB API now creates a directory named the same as the superfile was named. The dictionary tables are created as regular files inside the directory.

  • The session dictionary is created as ctdbdict.fsd\ctdbdict.dat ctdbdict.fsd\ctdbdict.idx
  • The database dictionary is created as <databasename>.fdd\ctdbdict.dat and <databasename>.fdd\ctdbdict.idx

To use this new capability, call this function prior to creating the session or the database:

ctdbSetDictInSuperfile() (ctdbSetDictInSuperfile, ctdbSetDictInSuperfile)

The handle must be a session handle when creating a session and a database handle when creating a database.

  • Handle [IN] - Session or Database handle. When passing a Database handle, the setting applies only to the Database.
  • superfile [IN] - YES: use superfile; NO: do not use superfile


Return CTDBRET_OK on success.
