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c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbMoveTable

FairCom DB API for C

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Move a table and its associated index files.


CTDBRET ctdbDECL ctdbMoveTable(CTHANDLE Handle, pTEXT oldname, pTEXT newpath, pTEXT newname);


Allows renaming a table and/or "renaming" the path (i.e., using "rename" to move the file to a different location, as is common in Operating System commands and c-tree RENIFIL).

  • Handle [IN] - Database handle
  • oldname [IN] - Old table name
  • newpath [IN] - New table path
  • newname [IN] - New table name

Setting newname or newpath to NULL indicates that the name or the path respectively do not change.


Return CTDBRET_OK on success.
