Product Documentation

FairCom DB V12 Updates

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Low-Level Functions

LockCtData() and LOKREC()

  • Enhanced to support ctENABLE _BLKRQS mode - promotes a non-blocking write lock request to a blocking lock
  • Additional ctCHKLOK_OTHER mode indicates locks on a specified record offset
  • Additional ctFREE_REDLOKS mode to free all read locks held by caller on the specified file

UpdateHeader() and PUTHDR() additions

  • extended to assign a new unique file ID to a file using timestamp or transaction ID
  • support setting maximum active partitioned files with ctMAXPARTMBRhdr
  • extended to restrict ISAM key updates for calling connection only

UpdateRecordOffsetForKey() updates record offset of specified key

ctVERIFYidx() (and ctvfyidx utility) updated to support searching for lost nodes

ctverifyFile() and ctvfyfil updated to check validity of deleted space
