Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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UpdateRecordOffsetForKey() searches the specified index for the specified key value and changes its record offset to the specified record offset.

Function Name

NINT UpdateRecordOffsetForKey(FILNO keyno, pVOID target, LONG8 recbyt);


Low-Level file function


  • keyno - The index file number. In V12 the file number typedef was formally changed from COUNT, a two-byte value to FILNO, a four-byte value. Refer to this link for compatibility details. Four Byte File Numbering
  • target - The key value whose record offset is to be changed.
  • recbyt8 - The new record offset.

UpdateRecordOffsetForKey() can be used with an index that allows duplicates. Notice that, in the case of duplicates, the target key value must also include the 4-byte or 8-byte record offset at the end of the key because an index that allows duplicates stores the offset as part of the key. As a low-level function, it's most useful for an index that is managed only using low-level functions. Calling UpdateRecordOffsetForKey() on a key whose index has an ISAM-level mapping with a data file (meaning the data and index file were opened at the ISAM level), the function fails with error FMOD_ERR.


NO_ERROR (0) on success, or a non-zero c-tree error code on failure.

If the specified key value doesn't exist in the index, the function returns error INOT_ERR (101).

If the specified index file has an ISAM mapping to a data file, the function returns error FMOD_ERR (48).
