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FairCom DB V12 Updates

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System Functions

Plug In Callbacks

ctPlugin_describe() defines a set of callback functions loaded at server startup

ctPlugin_init() initializes callback functions at server startup

ctPlugin_term() deallocates callback function resources at server shutdown

Embedded Server Configurations

ctSetConfigurationOptions() passes in server configuration to embedded server models

ctSetLicenseFile() sets a license file for an embedded server model

ctSetLicenseOptions() passes license file contents to an embedded server model

ctSetLocalDirectory() sets a local working directory location for an embedded server model


SECURITY() enhanced to validate user against master encryption password

ctGetAccountExpirationTime() outputs time remaining before account expires

High Availability Failover

ctSetClientLibraryOption() enables additional c-tree client functions.

ctGetFailOverState() returns failover state variable

ctResetFailOverState() resets the failover state


ctCopyFile() allows opening files in shared mode if exclusive open fails

ctFILELIST() extended to client library support for KEEPOPEN file list maintenance

ctSetCommProtocolOption() set a client connection timeout in seconds

ctSysQueueOpen() lists server system queues

SetOperationsState() or SETOPTS() extended with new blocking write lock mode maintained only for next record modification

SetSystemConfigurationOption() or ctSETCFG() enhanced to accept SQL_DEBUG configurations

SNAPSHOT() enhanced to contain a count of updated cache pages and index buffers

USERINFOX() enhanced to track per connection statistics
