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FairCom DB V12 Updates

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Automatic System Timestamps

The FairCom Database Engine supports multiple data automation features to quickly and efficiently process data streams. These features can be used independently or combined for optimizing data capture.

  • Automatically stamp data records with the current date and time as they are captured.
  • Automatically aggregate selected columns for advanced data analytics.
  • Automatically purge data as it ages to minimize storage retention on devices with limited storage capacity.

These features are ideal for quickly capturing streams of data, automatically timestamping the data, automatically aggregating the data, and automatically retaining desired data and purging old data.

You have extensive declarative control over each of these features, which makes it easy to enable or disable timestamping, or control the time period before purging data, or controlling aggregation time windows for average, min, max, etc.

Full details are available here: Automatic Timestamps, Aggregation, and Purging.

Other enhancements available in this release that aren’t currently in the Automatic Data Aggregation book are discussed below.

Hot Alter Table Automatic System Timestamp

Support for ctdbAlterTable() has been added to include Automatic System Timestamp features. This function can be used to:

  1. Set/reset an existing field to be auto system time
  2. Change the auto system time feature of a field
  3. Add a new field with auto system time
  4. Delete a field with auto system time

During Alter Table, when setting/resetting auto system time, the field content is not modified, i.e., the current timestamp is not applied during Alter Table to existing record contents.

New functions for automatic system timestamp support

In V12 and later, the following c-treeDB functions have been added for use with columns that support Automatic System Timestamp:

Automatic system time field definition

As part of the support for automatic timestamps, the following new functions have been added to c-tree's API in V12 and later:

High-resolution timestamp support

Two c-treeDB API functions have been added for high-resolution timestamp generation:
