Product Documentation

V11.5 Release Notes

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c-treeDB “NAV” API

c-treeDB is an easy-to-use database programming API encapsulating many tedious internal details and supplying powerful control over data record navigation. c-treeDB API layers are now known as "Navigational," or NAV, better articulating this advanced database interface. NAV support includes these programming frameworks: C, C+, Java, .net and, with V12, Node.js (Python will be coming soon!).

In This Section

Select c-treeDB functions improperly allowed fields larger than 65535 bytes

ctdbDeleteTable on missing table failed with INOT_ERR instead of CTDBRET_NOSUCHTABLE

ctdbGetRecordCount sometimes returned incorrect count

ctdbRenameTable may not rename index having the same name of the table

ctdbRenameTable did not properly rename indexes containing full path

ctdbStringTo* functions fail with 4029 (invalid date)

ITIM_ERR (160) reading a record that used Unicode ctKSEG_STYP_PROVIDED key segment

Unicode conversion failed with VBSZ_ERR (153)
