Product Documentation

V11.5 Update Guide

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c-treeACE SQL Import

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CTSQLIMPOPTS structure prior to V11.2.3


ctsqlimp removed synonyms and grants on table removal

Ability to promote INT8U columns to NUMERIC

Improved scrollable cursor support

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CTSQLIMPOPTS structure prior to V11.2.3

If you are using a version of c-treeACE prior to V11.2.3, the CTSQLIMPOPTS structure is as follows. (If you are using the current version of c-treeACE, see the ctSQLImportTable documentation):

typedef struct tagCTSQLIMPOPTS {

pTEXT tblnam; /* name of table to import */

pTEXT symnam; /* (-n) symbolic table name */

pTEXT prefix; /* (-q) table name prefix */

pTEXT dbsnam; /* (-d) name of c-treeSQL database (default: ctreeSQL) */

pTEXT srvnam; /* (-s) c-treeACE SQL Server name (default: FAIRCOMS) */

pTEXT usrnam; /* (-u) userid for connecting to c-treeACE SQL Server */

pTEXT usrpwd; /* (-a) password for authentication */

pTEXT tblown; /* (-o) assign table owner */

SQLCBF clbkfn; /* callback function */

NINT chkfld; /* (-k) skip fields that don't comply with
conventional identifier rules */

NINT skpidx; /* (-x) skip indexes */

NINT rmlink; /* (-r) unlink table from database */

NINT frctbl; /* (-c) allow table names that don't comply with */

NINT grntpb; /* (-b) grant public access permissions */

NINT nonint; /* (-i) non-interactive mode: ignore errors and continue */

