Product Documentation

V11.5 Update Guide

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ctsqlimp removed synonyms and grants on table removal

The following items have changed with c-treeACE V11.5 with respect to import tables and granting permissions. Prior to c-treeACE V11.5, after using ctsqlimp (or ctutil -sqlize for c-treeRTG) to import a table and grant permissions on it and then re-import the table, the permissions remained unmodified.

After unlinking a table using or ctsqlimp -r (or ctutil -sqlunlink), the system table contained permissions and synonyms on the removed table, which then took effect on a table link or creation with the same name as the removed table.

Other symptoms included:

  1. Increasing duplicate entries in the internal c-treeACE SQL Server dictionary systabauth table for tables relinked multiple times.
  2. Internal errors when running statements using synonyms for unlinked tables.
  3. Queries entering infinite loops while resolving synonyms.

The logic has been modified to correct these symptoms.

Note: This results in a behavior change - After relinking a table, permissions and synonyms get reset (earlier they were left untouched).
