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FairCom ADO.NET Driver

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Command-Line Compile - Windows Developer Command Prompt

This section explains the steps to compile and run the tutorials from the Microsoft Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt window (also called the "Native Tools Command Prompt" window), using the Microsoft “cl” compiler.

  • These tutorials require that you have installed the Microsoft Windows SDK, available from Microsoft Windows SDK.
  • FairCom currently supports the 2015, 2017 and 2019 versions of Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Be sure the prerequisites listed in Compiling Your Projects have been met.
  1. Open the Developer Command Prompt window for your version of Microsoft Visual Studio. Typically, this is available from the Start menu, following a path similar to:

    Visual Studio 2017 > X64 Native Tools Command prompt for VS 2017

    where 2017 is your version of Visual Studio and X64 is for a 64-bit version of c-tree (note “64” in the name of the default installation directory) or X86 for a 32-bit version of c-tree.

    Warning - the Developer Command Prompt Start menu entries which do not specify a bit depth will open the 32-bit version of the Developer Command Prompt.

    For more details, see the Microsoft Developer Command Prompt web page.

  2. In the Developer Command Prompt window, move to the drivers\\tutorials\cmdline directory and execute the BuildTutorials.bat file.

    This batch file will determine the version of the Microsoft C compiler you are using and will set the internal paths accordingly. It will then compile all the tutorials included for this driver.

    After all the tutorials have been built, the batch file will run them one-at-a-time. A prompt will ask you to press Enter before running each tutorial.

    If you see a c-tree error, you can look it up in the Error Code Reference. See the Troubleshooting section at the end of this topic for solutions to common problems.

The first tutorial should look similar to the image below when running:


Logon to server...


Open table...


Delete records...

Add records...

Display records...

1000 Bryan Williams

1001 Michael Jordan

1002 Joshua Brown

1003 Keyon Dooling


Close table...


Press <ENTER> key to exit . . .

Executing the Tutorials by Hand

You can run the tutorials individually using the executables located in c.nav\tutorials\cmdline:

  • CSharpTutorial1.exe
  • CSharpTutorial2.exe
  • CSharpTutorial3.exe
  • CSharpTutorial4.exe

Running in Debug Mode

To fully observe this API in action, you can single-step through the code with the Visual Studio integrated debugger. You can call this as follows:

  • devenv CSharpTutorial1.exe
  • devenv CSharpTutorial2.exe
  • devenv CSharpTutorial3.exe
  • devenv CSharpTutorial4.exe

Hint: A better way to single-step and debug is to open the Visual Studio solution that we provide. See Compile Using Microsoft Visual Studio IDE


This section lists some of the errors that can occur when compiling and running these tutorials:

cl.exe not found! Please set environment for Visual C/C++ compiler.

The most common cause of this error is running the BuildTutorials.bat file from a DOS shell or normal Windows command shell rather than from the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt window.

error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" were not found…

A common cause of this compile-time problem is not having the .NET desktop development workload installed as part of Visual Studio. Please make sure you have completed the first prerequisite discussed on the Compiling Your Projects page.

Error: -30096 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it...

The most common cause of this error is that the FairCom Database Engine is not running on your machine. Remember that the c-tree evaluation license times out after 3 hours, so the server might have exited and needs to be re-started. See Setting up the FairCom Database Engine on Windows.
