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Monitoring FairCom DB File Usage

This section discusses options for monitoring FairCom DB data and index file usage by FairCom DB and its clients.

In This Section

Server Configuration Options

SystemConfiguration API Options

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Server Configuration Options

The following server configuration options support monitoring FairCom DB’s usage of data and index files:

  • DIAGNOSTICS LOWL_FILE_IO is useful in troubleshooting file open, create, close, delete, and rename errors. This keyword causes the server to log to the server status log, CTSTATUS.FCS, the filename and system error code for failed file open, create, close, delete, and rename operations.
  • DIAGNOSTICS WRITETHRU causes FairCom DB to log to the server status log the names of all PREIMG or non-transaction FairCom DB data and index files that are opened or created during server operation without the WRITETHRU filemode in effect.
  • DIAGNOSTICS EXTENDED_TRAN_NO causes each physical open of a non-extended-transaction-number file to be listed in CTSTATUS.FCS. The reason to check for a file that does not support extended transaction numbers is that if all files do not support extended transaction numbers, then the exceptions could cause the server to terminate if the transaction numbers go out of the original 4-byte range and one of these files are updated. By “all files” we mean superfile hosts and indexes; data files are not affected by the extended-transaction-number attribute.

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SystemConfiguration API Options

The FairCom DB SystemConfiguration() API function can be used to monitor FairCom DB data and index file usage by FairCom DB. SystemConfiguration() returns three values referenced with the following constants used as subscripts in the output array of LONG values as shown in the following table:

Array Subscript



The number of FairCom DB files opened by the c tree Server.


The number of physical FairCom DB files opened by FairCom DB. Includes superfile members omitted from cfgOPEN_FILES count.


Number of FairCom DB file control blocks in use by FairCom DB.
