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Command-Line Administration Utilitiesctstat - Statistics UtilityEnable Function Call Times by File -wrktime

Database Administrator's Guide

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Enable Function Call Times by File -wrktime

The FairCom DB Server SNAPSHOT support collects c-tree function call counts and timings on a per-c-tree file basis. This support enhances the FairCom DB server’s existing support for collecting c-tree function call counts and timings, which are collected as totals for all files. Enabling collection of c-tree function timings now enables collection of both the total and file-specific function timings.

The ctstat utility includes a -wrktime option to enable the collection of this data. Accepted values are case sensitive and include:

on | off | reset.


ctstat -wrktime on enables the collection of function timing data; it does not generate any output.

ctstat -text is needed to see output to SNAPSHOT.FCS,

ctstat -funcfile sends per-file timings to SNAPFUNC.FCS.

ctstat -func sends the function timing output to stdout.


Turn on function call timings:

# ctstat -wrktime on -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

Turn off function call timings:

# ctstat -wrktime off -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

Reset function call timings:

# ctstat -wrktime reset -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

Example Output in SNAPSHOT.FCS

function name count elapsed average

DELVREC 4681 25.656 0.00548

CLISAM 1 0.000 0.00004

STPUSR 2 0.000 0.00035

SETDEFBLKX 46 0.017 0.00038

GTEVREC 4684 1.697 0.00036

GETSEG 138 0.000 0.00000

GETMAP 138 0.000 0.00000

CREIFIL 23 4.605 0.20023

CLIFIL 23 3.262 0.14185

INTISAM 8 0.000 0.00003

SETNODE 5 0.000 0.00017

ADDVREC 4707 35.760 0.00759

SETOPS 28 0.000 0.00000

GETFIL 46 0.000 0.00000

CTSRVCTL 1 0.043 0.04377

GETDODAX 276 0.006 0.00002

OPNRFIL 139 0.861 0.00619

ctSNAPSHOT 2 0.029 0.01482
