Command-Line Administration Utilities
Once the FairCom Server is installed on the operating system, it is ready to be used. Starting and stopping the FairCom Server are basic Administrator responsibilities, therefore this chapter is required reading.
In This Chapter
ctadmn - Server Administrator Utility
ctstop - Server Stop Utility
ctstat - Statistics Utility
sa_admin - Command-line security administration utility
ctpass - Password Utility
ctquiet - Quiesce FairCom DB Utility
ctfilblkif - File Block Utility
ctdump - Schedule Backup Utility
ctrdmp - Backup Restore or System Rollback
ctfdmp - Forward Roll Utility
Master Password Verification Options
ctencrypt - Utility to Change Master Password
ctvfyidx - Index Verify Utility
ctvfyfil - File Verify Utility
ctsmon - Server Heartbeat Monitor