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Command-Line Administration Utilitiesctstat - Statistics UtilityFunction Timing Report -func

Database Administrator's Guide

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Function Timing Report -func

The function timing report (-func) displays FairCom DB Server statistics for each c-tree function that a client has called at least once since function timing was enabled. See -wrktime.

Below is a sample function timing report produced by executing the command:

ctstat -func -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS -h 10

function counter secs

FRSVSET 10 0.002

NXTVSET 20 0.001

GETDODAX 2 0.000

COMMBUF 1 0.000

ctSNAPSHOT 10 0.002

The columns shown in this report are described as follows:

function Function name

counter Cumulative number of times this function has been called

secs Cumulative elapsed time for this function
