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Command-Line Administration Utilitiesctstat - Statistics UtilityText Report -text

Database Administrator's Guide

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Text Report -text

The following command generates a report in text format:

ctstat -text -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS -h 10

This command writes a FairCom DB Server system snapshot to the file SNAPSHOT.FCS (output to the data folder). See the file SNAPSHOT.FCS for the detailed server statistics.

Example Output (truncated for brevity)

Server Shutdown System Snapshot

Wed May 22 15:36:41 2019

server version of structure: 21

bit map of var len contents: 0x

snapshot time stamp (seconds since 1970): 1558557401

elapsed server operation time: 173106.444

high res timer ticks per sec: 10000000

compatibility flag #1: 00002000x

compatibility flag #2: 00020000x

compatibility flag #3: 00000000x

compatibility flag #4: 00000000x

diagnostic flag #1: 40000000x

diagnostic flag #2: 00000000x

diagnostic flag #3: 00000000x

ct_udefer yield threshold (usec): 0

ct_udefer 64 yield duration (usec): 0

delete node thread queue reads: 2908

delete node thread queue writes: 2908

delete node thread queue rewrites: 0

delete node thread queue abandons: 0

delete node thread queue removals: 0

delete node thread queue no action: 0

count of lock attempts: 21708

subcount of hdr lock attempts: 2135

count of locks freed: 21707

count of locks denied: 0

count of locks blocked: 0

subcount of header blocks: 0

count of blocks released: 0

count of dead locks: 0

count of killed locks: 0

current count of locks held: 1

current count of blocked requests: 0

maximum count of locks held: 161

COMMIT LOCK loop defer (millisecs): 10

COMMIT LOCK loopers: 0

COMMIT LOCK total loop count: 0

cumulative blk record lock count: 0

cumulative blk record lock time: 0.000 (seconds)

maximum blk record lock time: 0.0000

cumulative blk index lock count: 0

cumulative blk index lock time: 0.000 (seconds)

maximum blk index lock time: 0.0000

cumulative transaction count: 369

cumulative transaction time: 534.255 (seconds)

average transaction time: 1.44784

transaction time detail:

122 < 0.05000

8 < 0.10000

5 < 0.15000

3 < 0.20000

16 < 0.25000

63 < 0.30000

69 < 0.35000

20 < 0.40000

11 < 0.45000

12 < 0.50000

5 < 0.55000

2 < 0.60000

1 < 0.65000

0 < 0.70000

0 < 0.75000

0 < 0.80000

1 < 0.85000

0 < 0.90000

0 < 0.95000

0 < 1.00000

1 < 1.05000

0 < 1.10000

1 < 2.00000 [avg of 0 per unit width]

29 >= 2.00000

maximum transaction time: 102.2966

checkpoint delay (microseconds): 0

commit delay block to clear ration: 2

commit delay cohort size base: 50

commit delay nominal time (microseconds): 2000
