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Command-Line Administration Utilitiesctstat - Statistics UtilityI/O Time Statistics -iotime

Database Administrator's Guide

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I/O Time Statistics -iotime

The FairCom DB Server SNAPSHOT feature includes support for collecting disk read and write timings on a per-file basis when high-resolution timer support is activated. Use the ctstat utility’s -iotime option to toggle the collection of disk I/O timings.

  • Turn on disk I/O timings:

  # ctstat -iotime on -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

  • Turn off disk I/O timings:

  # ctstat -iotime off -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

The ctstat utility’s -vaf option also outputs differential I/O timings for each file when the FairCom DB Server returns version 2 (or higher) GFMS structure statistics.


C:\> ctstat -vaf mark.dat mark.idx -h 1 -i 10

r/s w/s read time write time entries locks l%h %m dlock recrd node t filename

0 0 0 0 26239 1 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

0 0 0 0 26239 0 99 1 0 n/a 8192 I mark.idx

r/s w/s read time write time entries locks l%h %m dlock recrd node t filename

128 237 1 12 108309 2 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

0 2 0 0 108308 0 99 1 0 n/a 8192 I mark.idx

r/s w/s read time write time entries locks l%h %m dlock recrd node t filename

121 243 1 14 186164 2 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

2 27 0 4 186163 0 99 1 0 n/a 8192 I mark.idx

r/s w/s read time write time entries locks l%h %m dlock recrd node t filename

109 219 1 10 256356 2 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

3247 3296 39 77 256355 0 99 1 0 n/a 8192 I mark.idx

r/s w/s read time write time entries locks l%h %m dlock recrd node t filename

103 206 1 10 322381 4 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

5623 5640 67 124 322380 1 99 1 0 n/a 8192 I mark.idx
