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dfkctl - Deferred Index Maintenance Utility

Monitoring and Controlling Deferred Indexing

The dfkctl utility can be used to monitor and control deferred indexing threads.


dfkctl operation [-s svn] [-u uid] [-p upw] [-i int [cnt]] [-h frq]

[-d] [-m] [-t]


  • -getstats - Display deferred indexing statistics.
  • -getstate - Display deferred indexing threads' state.
  • -getblstate - Display background index load thread state.
  • -clearstats - Reset deferred indexing statistics.
  • -pause - Pause deferred indexing threads.
  • -resume - Resume deferred indexing threads.
  • -queueidxload - Queue background index load
  • -forcecommit - Force the deferred indexer to treat its current transaction as a committed transaction. (For unusual cases when a deferred indexing thread hangs waiting for a transaction commit/abort that will never be signaled.)
  • -forceabort - Force the deferred indexer to treat its current transaction as an aborted transaction. (An aborted transaction being recorded in the log would be unusual, but the option is included for completeness.)


  • -s svn - c-tree Server name
  • -u uid - User name
  • -p upw - User password
  • -i int [cnt] - Pause int seconds for optional cnt times
  • -h frq - Print a description header every frq outputs
  • -d - Show cache stats as delta
  • -m - Show memory file stats when using -vaf report
  • -t - Output timestamp with header

Examples of maintenance and monitoring with dfkctl

1. Display deferred indexing statistics:

# dfkctl -getstats -h 10

succcessful operations: failed operations: skipped operations:

qcnt open add delete update open add delete update add delete update

0 30004 93242 0 0 0 0 0 0 3000 0 0

0 30004 93242 0 0 0 0 0 0 3000 0 0

2. Display deferred indexing thread state:

# dfkctl -getstate -h 10

non-tran thread: tran thread:

current op qcnt current op lognum logpos

readop 0 readop 19 18460903

readop 0 readop 19 18460903

readop 0 readop 19 18460903

readop 0 readop 19 18460903

3. Clear deferred indexing statistics:

# dfkctl -clearstats

Successfully reset deferred indexing statistics.

4. Pause deferred indexing threads:

# dfkctl -pause

Successfully paused deferred indexing threads.

5. Resume deferred indexing threads:

# dfkctl -resume

Successfully resumed deferred indexing threads.

6. Queue a background index load:

# dfkctl -queueidxload <datafilename> <indexno> <indexno> ...


  • <datafilename> is the name of the data file
  • <indexno> is the relative index number (one or more can be specified), with indexno of 1 representing the first index. Use a value of all to queue the loading of all indexes for the specified data file.

Queue loading of the first two indexes for data file mark.dat:

# dfkctl -queueidxload mark.dat 1 2 -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

Queue loading of all of the indexes for data file mark.dat:

# dfkctl -queueidxload mark.dat all -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS
