Operational Model:
ctscmp <name of the superfile host to compact> [Y] [new_sect_size]
The superfile compact utility, ctscmp, compacts and rebuilds a superfile and all of its members provided the required IFIL resources are present in the superfile data members. It creates a compacted version of the file in place, using a temporary file named CTREE.TMP as a destination and then renaming it.
This utility is designed for the Standalone Single-user model. It compacts and rebuilds a superfile and all of its members provided the required IFIL structures are in place. It creates a compacted version of the file in place, using a temporary file named CTREE.TMP as a destination and then renaming it.
The utility supports processing data and index member names having extensions other than .dat and .idx.
A “% complete” progress indicator has been added to the ctscmp utility.
The ctscmp utility uses a standard error and warning message format. Error messages begin with the text ‘Error:’ and warning messages with the text ‘Warning:’, so errors and warnings can easily be located in the ctscmp output.
There is an ISAM-based version of the superfile compact utility named ctscmpi. This version of the superfile compact utility uses ISAM c-tree functions rather than low-level c-tree functions to add records to the new compacted superfile. The advantage of using the ISAM approach is that records are indexed as they are added, so the utility does not require a separate rebuild phase to repopulate the indexes as the ctscmp utility does. Using this technique can significantly reduce the time required to compact a superfile.
The ctscmp utility returns a non-zero value when it fails. This can be useful for a script that calls the utility to be able to detect when it fails.