Product Documentation

Data Conversion

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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Data Conversion

Migrating Your Data to FairCom RTG BTRV

Before your application is ready to use FairCom RTG BTRV, the data must be converted to a format that can be used by FairCom RTG. This is done by exporting data from your BTRV application and importing into FairCom RTG. This is a one-time process that must be done before you can use FairCom RTG.

FairCom RTG provides a GUI tool to aid in migration, RTG Migrate, as well as a command-line utility, ctmigra.

Another way to migrate data is to use BUTIL to export from BTRV and ctutil to import to FairCom RTG, as described in Converting BTRV Data to FairCom RTG.

Files and File Names

Many BTRV files combine data and indexes in the same file. The conversion process will result in separate data and index files. If your BTRV file name includes a suffix, such as myfile.ved, you will see two files with these names: myfile.ved.dat and myfile.ved.idx.

If you want your data file to have the same name as your original, use the ctree.conf element <datafilesuffix> and set it to empty:

<datafilesuffix />

In this example, a BTRV file named myfile.ved will result in two files with these names: myfile.ved and myfile.ved.idx.

Configuring Your System

The information you enter into the RTG Migrate tool can be used to create a configuration file for your system. The final step of the migration wizard allows you to create and save a configuration file.

Much of the information you need for configuring your system is necessary for the migration process and will be entered in the RTG Migrate tool. If you system has additional considerations that dictate a more complex configuration file, you can use the procedures in FairCom RTG Configuration to edit the file.

SQL Access

If you will be accessing your data using SQL, you will need to see FairCom RTG SQL Access.

In This Chapter

RTG Migrate

Convert Microfocus ExtFH C-ISAM Tables with ctmigra

Converting BTRV Data to FairCom RTG with butil/ctutil
