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FairCom RTG ConfigurationRelinking Your Application

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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Relinking Your Application

To take advantage of FairCom RTG BTRV, you will need to relink your application to the FairCom RTG library. This step ensures that all I/O calls will be redirected to the FairCom RTG Server.

This step simply involves relinking your application—you will not need to alter the source code. To do this, you will need to change your makefile, replacing the existing BTRV libraries with the FairCom libraries.

Note: On Unix/Linux systems, the application directly links to the shared library, which is called for both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

On Windows systems, you should have a library called w64btrv.lib (64-bit) or w3btrv7.lib (32-bit) in the linkage section. Remove the file and replace it with the FairCom library called mtclient.lib located in the following folder:


Once you find the library and change the makefile, recompile it and relink it, creating a new executable file of your application.

Set up the environment variable

Set up an environment variable called CTREE_CONF pointing to the configuration file described in CTREE_CONF Environment Variable. The command in Windows will be similar to the following:

set CTREE_CONF=c:\FairCom\ctree.conf

Make sure this environment variable is accessible and visible by your application.

Make sure the client mtclient.dll is in the PATH

Tip: If you decide to migrate more than one file, please remember to add all of their names to ctree.conf under the proper server instance. This ensures that they will be mapped as FairCom RTG BTRV files rather than native BTRV files.
