Product Documentation

Advanced InstallationTroubleshooting

Installing FairCom Products

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This section identifies possible problems that may be encountered when using the FairCom Server as a Windows service, and ways to diagnose and solve them.

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Windows Service Troubleshooting Tips

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Windows Service Troubleshooting Tips

This section identifies possible problems that may be encountered when using FairCom DB as a Windows service, and ways to diagnose and solve them.

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Problems starting the FairCom DB Service

Problems connecting to the FairCom DB Service

Problems stopping the FairCom DB Service

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Problems starting the FairCom DB Service

If the FairCom DB service fails to start, it returns a service-specific error, and logs a message to the Windows application event log. This information can be used to determine the reason the FairCom Server service failed to start. Below is the output of a failed startup when starting the FairCom DB service using FairCom’s SCP. The service-specific error is displayed as the “Service Exit” code.

Starting the c-tree Server service...

c-treeServer start unsuccessful:

Current State: STOPPED

Win32 Exit: 1066

Service Exit: 6

Checkpoint: 0x0

WaitHint: 0x0

The table below shows possible service-specific errors returned by the FairCom Server service, the corresponding message, and possible causes for each of these errors.

Error Code

Error Message

Possible Causes



An operating system function call failed. See the event log for a detailed error message.


The FairCom DB settings file is missing. It is required to operate this server.

FairCom DB service requires a settings file, but it was not found.


The current settings file is invalid.

FairCom DB requires a settings file, and the settings file that was found was not valid. Contact your application developer for assistance.


FairCom DB must be activated with a FairCom activation key to operate. See the FairCom DB Activation Key Card within your package for more information.

FairCom DB has not yet been activated.

Use the Windows Event Viewer to list events reported by the FairCom DB service. Start the Event Viewer and select the Application log option from the Log menu. Events logged by the FairCom DB service have the “Source” field set to the service name (“c‑treeACE Database Engine” or "c-treeEDGE Database Engine" by default). Double-clicking an event displays the event detail (see the following figure, which shows using the Event Viewer to display events logged by the FairCom DB service).

Windows 2000 Service configuration options

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Problems connecting to the FairCom DB Service

If client applications are unable to connect to the FairCom DB service, verify that FairCom DB service is running (See Displaying the current status of the FairCom DB Service for details).

If the FairCom DB service is running, check the FairCom DB status log file (CTSTATUS.FCS, typically located in the directory in which the FairCom DB executable resides) for the following information:

  1. Are there any error messages logged to CTSTATUS.FCS?
  2. Is the Server Name displayed in CTSTATUS.FCS the same Server Name your client applications are using?
  3. Are the protocols displayed in CTSTATUS.FCS the same as those your client applications are using?

FairCom’s ctadmn utility (provided with the FairCom Server) is an additional useful tool for verifying whether clients can connect to FairCom DB.

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Problems stopping the FairCom DB Service

If you are unable to stop the FairCom DB service, check the event log for an error message. Also check for error messages in the FairCom DB status log file (CTSTATUS.FCS, typically located in the directory in which FairCom DB executable resides).

FairCom’s ctadmn utility (provided with the FairCom Server) can also be used to stop the FairCom DB service.
