Product Documentation

Additional Setup InformationInstalling the FairCom Database Engine

Installing FairCom Products

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Installing the FairCom Database Engine

The FairCom Database Engine (the FairCom Server) is distributed in .msi, .zip, and tar formats depending on the platform. Installation involves extracting from the zip or tar files and copying the files to the desired location (additionally, you may wish to use provided utilities for additional functionality such as running as a Windows Service).

This chapter explains basic installation to get you up-and-running in a hurry. For complete installation instructions, see the chapters later in this book.

You will need an appropriate License Authorization File for your platform. A developer's evaluation license is included so you can run the tutorials and start writing code. When you are ready for production, you will need a separate license available from FairCom.

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Installing on Windows

FairCom Server Installation on Linux, Unix, and Mac

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Installing on Windows

On Microsoft Windows, the FairCom Server is distributed in Windows .msi and .zip formats. The .msi format installs the Database Engine as a service and configures the service to launch whenever Windows boots. The automatic launch support can be disabled after installation through the Windows Server Management console. This allows the FairCom Database Engine to be launched manually by double-clicking on the server executable file, faircom.exe in Windows Explorer.

If you are using an evaluation license, the server times out and shuts down every three hours. It is easier to detect the automatic shutdown and restart the server when you start the database manually.

If you install the FairCom Server from a zip file you can set up the Windows service as described in Installing the Windows Service with FairComConfig.exe.

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FairCom Server Installation on Linux, Unix, and Mac

On Linux, Unix, and Mac platforms, the FairCom Server is distributed in tar format. This file contains the FairCom Server executable (typically faircom.exe or faircom), and utility and companion programs.

FairCom Server on Unix can be installed in any directory location as long as ownership and permissions permit access to resources and data.

  1. Make the desired directory where the FairCom Server is to be installed the current directory.
  2. Copy the files in the /server/ directory to your desired directory.
  3. Ensure you have an appropriate License Authorization File for your platform and FairCom DB configuration.

    Note: Your application vendor may provide applicable FairCom DB license files.
