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Installing FairCom Products

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The following folders are inside the FairCom root folder:




  • All server configurations are now located in a single convenient location.
  • Our new server-side Plugins feature use a single JSON-based configuration for each module.
  • This is the default location for ctsrvr.cfg, the master server configuration file.
  • If desired, you can keep your original configuration file location. We check there if this new directory is not present.
  • You have dynamic options at server startup with environment variables and command-line arguments.


  • The default server working directory. By default, you will find your newly created data and index files in this location.
  • This is configurable with the LOCAL_DIRECTORY server configuration.
  • Contains log files and a subfolder for each database and its data and index files.
  • The FairCom Server ships with a single database named ctreeSQL. Use that name in any of the APIs that ask you to enter the name of your database.
  • It is always recommended to locate this on a large, fast volume to hold all of your application data.


  • Contains a subfolder for each supported programming language and API.
  • Each subfolder contains tutorial code and a readme file that links to the online tutorial documentation.
  • Each tutorial takes only a few minutes to run.
  • The c-tree.drivers subfolder contains the shared components needed by each programming language to run, link, or compile tutorial code.


  • Contains the FairCom executable, which has been renamed faircom.exe (or faircom for Unix/Linux).


  • Contains command-line utilities.


  • The FairCom Database Engine has always been able to locate transaction logs on a separate independent storage volume.
  • This folder is easily configured in your server configuration. Look for the default LOG_EVEN, LOG_ODD configurations now present.
  • FairCom recommends that you place it on your absolute fastest drive.

FairCom Folders

When you install the FairCom Server, its root folder is placed in the folder of your choice. The name of the root folder includes the product name followed by the operating system and the exact version. The version corresponds to the underlying core engine that powers the FairCom Server. It follows the pattern, Major, Minor, Patch, and Build.

Drivers Folder

The directory structure for the drivers folder is similar to the image shown below. The exact directory structure may differ depending on your platform.

This drivers folder contains tutorials, drivers, and connectors for the many programming languages, APIs, and connectors that FairCom supports. The subfolders are organized by language and API. Inside each subfolder is a ReadMe file that walks you through running the tutorial, which takes only a few minutes.

Server Folder

The executable is in the <FairCom-Installation-Folder>\server directory. It is named as follows (omit the ending of .exe on Linux/Unix systems):

  • faircom.exe

This is the main file you need to know about in this folder.

Data Folder

The data folder (<FairCom-Installation-Folder>\data) contains log files. It also contains one folder for each database that you create. Your data and index files are in these database folders.

The image below shows two database folders: ctreeSQL.dbs and testdata. By default, FairCom products ships with a single database named ctreeSQL. Use that name in any of the APIs that ask you to enter the name of your database.

The sql_server.log file contains JSON log entries for each SQL operation you perform. This is useful for troubleshooting SQL. You can turn on logging to this file by placing the following command in the ctsrvr.cfg file.


There are also FairCom System files (*.fcs). Most are transaction log files that ensure all data written into the FairCom Database Engine is durably captured on disk. The following FCS files contain useful troubleshooting information:

  • ctstatus.fcs contains a history of critical events, such as starts and stops of the FairCom Server.
  • snapshot.fcs contains a snapshot of the FairCom Server when it shuts down.

Config Folder

The config folder (<FairCom-Installation-Folder>\config) contains configuration files that you modify to change the behavior of the FairCom Server. These configuration files are referenced throughout this document.

Tools Folder

The <FairCom-Installation-Folder>\tools folder contains command‑line utilities you can use to manage your database.

In addition to these tools, a set of browser‑based tools is available for graphically managing your database, see Browser‑Based Graphical Tools.
