Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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New Xtd8 File Mode to Automatically Create Directories

A call to a c-treeACE Xtd8 file create function can set the ctAUTOMKDIR bit in the splval field of the xcreblk parameter to enable directories that do not exist to be created when creating that file. Remember that a call to an Xtd8 call with a non-NULL xcreblk requires that xcreblk points to an array of XCREblk structures, one for each physical file in the IFIL structure. The splval ctAUTOMKDIR bit affects only the corresponding file, and so if you want all the physical files that are being created in your Xtd8 call to have their directories automatically created, you must set the ctAUTOMKDIR bit on the splval field for each xcreblk array entry that corresponds to a physical file.

See Also
