Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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GetServerDateTime() Added to c-treeDB for Java

A new function to get the current date and time, ctdbServerDateTime(), was implemented in the Java class CTSession as CTSession::GetServerDateTime();

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Table Lock Mode for LOKREC

To acquire a file (table) lock using c-treeACE call LOKREC() with a new ctLOCK_FILE mode as follows:

LOKREC(datno, ctLOCK_FILE, lockmode);


  • datno is the data file number
  • lockmode is the desired locking mode, which can be any of the following values:

    ctREADREC - Acquire a file read lock. If the lock cannot be immediately acquired because a file write lock or record write locks exist on the file, then return an error.

    ctREADREC_BLK - Acquire a file read lock. If the lock cannot be immediately acquired because a file write lock or record write locks exist on the file, then block until those locks are released and the lock can be acquired.

    ctENABLE - Acquire a file write lock. If the lock cannot be immediately granted because file or record locks exist on the file, then return an error.

    ctENABLE_BLK - Acquire a file write lock. If the lock cannot be immediately acquired because file or record locks exist on the file, then block until those locks are released and the lock can be acquired.

To free a file lock, call LOKREC() as follows:

LOKREC(datno, ctUNLOCK_FILE, 0);

A file lock request can fail with the following errors:

  • FACS_ERR(26) - The specified file number (datno) is not active.
  • FMOD_ERR(48) - The specified file is a type of file that does not support file locks (for example, an index file, a superfile host, or a partitioned file).
  • DEAD_ERR(86) - Could not block on file lock request due to deadlock.
  • DLKT_ERR(1024) - Could not obtain data record lock because the table is locked, or a request to lock the table is pending.
  • TLOK_ERR(1025) - Could not obtain table lock because the table is locked, or a request to lock the table is pending, or a conflicting data record read or write lock exists.
  • REDT_ERR(1026) - Could not update the table because the table is locked.

A connection can only acquire one file lock on a particular file at a time.

A connection can acquire a table write lock when:

  • no table write lock is held on the file


  • no table read lock is held on the file


  • either no read and write locks are held on the file, or only the table lock requester is holding read and/or write locks on the file.

A connection can acquire a table read lock when:

  • no table write lock is held on the file


  • no write locks are held on the file

When a table write lock request is granted, the requesters write and read locks are released. All lock waiters are made to wait for the table to be unlocked.

Record lock and unlock requests for a connection that holds a table write lock have no effect.

A connection that has acquired a table read lock can promote the table read lock to a table write lock by requesting a table write lock. The request is granted if:

  • only one table read lock is held on the file


  • no read locks are held on the file


  • no record read or write lock or table lock requests are waiting.


  • Blocked table lock requests take priority over record lock requests. If releasing a lock makes it possible for a blocked table lock to be acquired, any record lock requests that are waiting on the lock that is being released queue up waiting for the table lock to be released.
  • Blocked table write lock requests take priority over blocked table read lock requests.
  • When a table read lock request is granted, the requester’s read locks are released. (Note that the requester has no write locks on the table when the table read lock request is granted; otherwise, the table read lock request would have been denied.) Record read lock requests for a connection that holds a table read lock have no effect. Record write lock requests for a connection that holds a table read lock are denied.
  • A table lock is not supported on a superfile host, only on its data file members. A table lock request on a superfile host fails with error FMOD_ERR(48).
  • A table lock is not currently supported on a partition host or partition member file. A table lock request on these types of files fails with error FMOD_ERR(48).

Table lock behavior with transactions

If a table write lock is in effect when a record is updated in a transaction, the table write lock cannot be removed until the transaction commits or aborts. Note that the call to free the table write lock returns success (NO_ERROR) and sysiocod is set to UDLK_TRN (-3) in this situation, indicating that the table write lock was not released.

A table lock cannot be released even if the transaction is restored to a savepoint that precedes the first update of a record in the locked table.

The ctMARK_XFREED and ctKEEP_XFREED transaction modes, used in calls to start and commit a transaction respectively, cause the commit to keep only the locks that were explicitly freed during the transaction. When these modes are used and a table lock is acquired before the transaction commits, the mode applies to the table lock: if a call is made to free the table lock before the transaction commits, the commit releases the table lock; otherwise, the commit keeps the table lock.

This feature is only available with the c-treeACE Server operational model.
