Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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Corrected Read and Write Errors after Connection Termination

Using ctadmn or c-treeACE Monitor to terminate a SQL or ISAM connection to c-tree Server that is using the TCP/IP communication protocol can cause errors reading and writing files or an unhandled exception when reading data from the socket. CTSTATUS.FCS may show errors such as the following:

- User# 00285 External kill request posted against user #89


- User# 00178 ctsave failed: system code = 9 lc = 38 fd = 946

- User# 00178 ./live.dbs/appkcomp.dat

- User# 00178 Error on close file. locale:20 sysiocod:9 uerr_cod: 24

- User# 00178 ./live.dbs/appkcomp.dat

- User# 00047 WRITE_ERR: ./live.dbs/rlavllog.dat at 0:0x sysiocod=9 bufsiz=8192 bytes written=0[0] ioLoc=0: 37

- User# 00047 FAILED TRAN IO: ctwrtbuf...: 37

- User# 00047 ./live.dbs/rlavllog.dat: 37

- User# 00047 Dumped stack for server process 29098172, log=1, loc=60, rc=0

- User# 00047 O47 M1 L60 F2720 P0x (recur #1) (uerr_cod=37)

The logic has been modified to correct these errors.
