Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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Prevent FairCom Server WRITE_ERR Termination with Open Transactions Aborted by Quiesce

The FairCom Server was found to shut down due to a write error on a transaction-controlled file in the following precise set of circumstances:

  1. A client begins a transaction and updates a transaction-controlled file.
  2. While the transaction is still active, the server is quiesced using the ctquiet utility's "full consistency" option.
  3. The quiesce aborts the client's transaction.
  4. If the client then closes its connection while the quiesce is still active, the server shuts down due to a write error on the client's file.

FairCom Server logged the following error messages to CTSTATUS.FCS and shut down:

Thu Feb 13 09:34:05 2014

- User# 00014 WRITE_ERR: vcusti at 0:4000x sysiocod=6 bufsiz=8192 bytes written=0[0] ioLoc=0: 37

Thu Feb 13 09:34:09 2014

- User# 00014 FAILED TRAN IO: ctwrtbuf...: 37

Thu Feb 13 09:34:09 2014

- User# 00014 vcusti: 37

Thu Feb 13 09:34:11 2014

- User# 00014 Dumped stack for server process 67504, log=1, loc=60, rc=0

Thu Feb 13 09:34:11 2014

- User# 00014 ctQUIET: unblocking call with action: 9e00x

Thu Feb 13 09:34:11 2014

- User# 00014 ctQUIET: end of unblocking call

Thu Feb 13 09:34:13 2014

- User# 00014 O14 M1 L60 F23 P4000x (recur #1) (uerr_cod=37)

The logic has been modified to correct this situation.
