Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.0 Update Guide

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VLEN_ERR Diagnostic Logging

A record update failed with a VLEN_ERR error (148). This error occurs when a call to write data to a variable length record at a specified file offset finds that the size of the region (as indicated by the total record length in the record header) is too small to hold the record data. When this error occurs the following message is logged to CTSTATUS.FCS:

WRTVREC: File=<datafilename>, offset=<recordoffset>, [<lockstatus>], trclen=<sizeofcurrentspace>, varlen=<sizeofnewrecord>, sizhdr=<recordheadersize> header=[<headercontents>] next header=[<contentsofnextheader>]: 148

If this message is observed in the CTSTATUS.FCS status log, please collect this file and any other relevant information and contact your nearest FairCom office for further analysis.
