Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.0 Update Guide

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SERVER_DIRECTORY Configuration Option Deprecated

The SERVER_DIRECTORY keyword has been deprecated in c-treeACE versions 9.3 and later. LOCAL_DIRECTORY is now the preferred keyword to allow the server to store data and files in an alternative location. The SERVER_DIRECTORY option did not offer robust handling of relative file paths. Full paths were the only way to ensure proper functionality. For example, with Replication and restoring dynamic dumps, a relative path caused problems in properly locating files.

To avoid potential problems with the use of this option, it has been disabled. When this option is specified in ctsrvr.cfg, the c-treeACE Server fails to start and displays the following message:

The SERVER_DIRECTORY option is no longer supported.

Use the LOCAL_DIRECTORY option instead.

The message is logged to CTSTATUS.FCS. On Unix systems it is also written to standard output and on Windows systems it is displayed in a dialog box when the c-treeACE Server is not running as a Windows service.

Use these configuration keywords to relocate transaction logs if this has been the purpose of using this keyword in the past:





FairCom recommends all server installations to make the switch from SERVER_DIRECTORY to LOCAL_DIRECTORY for the easiest migration path in the future. Contact your nearest FairCom office should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change.
