Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.3 Release Notes

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c-treeACE SQL Updates and Corrections

In this release, the SQL interface was the recipient of numerous improvements, which are listed in this section.

In This Chapter

c-treeACE SQL on big-endian systems considers index for backward scan

c-treeACE SQL Server memory leak when SQL client establishes GUEST connection

c-treeACE SQL Server memory leaks

c-treeACE SQL Server's fc_get_server_version stored procedure leaks memory when it fails

c-treeACE SQL Server process does not appear in Unix process list

c-treeACE SQL Server terminates when connection limit causes non-secure SQL connection to fail

c-treeACE SQL Server terminates with unhandled exception on starting up

c-treeACE SQL Server unhandled exceptions when using the SQL Debug keyword, TPESQLDBG=YYYYYYY

c-treeACE SQL Server unhandled exception creating table with CHECK clause without column name

ctsqlimp does not mark tables linked specifying a primary key

Direct SQL - Function added to client API

Python batch updates with executemany

SQL - 64-bit Windows clients terminate with unhandled exception when connecting to c-treeACE SQL Server on same machine

SQL - ADO.Net inefficient LVB retrieval - Wrong server version checking

SQL - Allow ":param is null" syntax

SQL - Attempting to terminate a SQL connection has no effect when user name contains lowercase characters

SQL - sqlapi support for batch updates: SQL_ERR_BADSQLDA

SQL - Callback library causes crash or terr(7495)

SQL - Calling UDF with extra arguments crashes server

SQL - Cannot kill server on Unix after first SQL connection occurred

SQL - Clients fail to connect with error 17012 when PRIME_CACHE and PRIME_INDEX options match names of FAIRCOM.FCS members

SQL - Crash after failed memory allocation

SQL - CREATE TABLE AS SELECT unexpected errors

SQL - ctsqlapi functions exported with c++ mangled names on Unix

SQL - ctSQLImportTable Error 101 while unlinking after updating server to V10

SQL - Database conversion fails when REPLICATE matches superfile

SQL - dbload handling of table with reserved names

SQL - Error -17004 on Delete using rowid as search criteria on tables with foreign keys

SQL - Failed ALTER TABLE caused server hangs or crash

SQL - Group By Order By memory leak slowing performance

SQL - Group By with parameters now fails during prepare

SQL - Incorrect conversion of BIGINT values on HIGH_LOW systems

SQL - Incorrect conversion of double values greater than 10^16 on Linux

SQL - ISQL on Windows takes a long time to fail to connect when server is not running

SQL - ISQL "Tuple size too high" error on query returning large number of columns

SQL - Java stored procedures fail to compile on Unix

SQL - Java user.dir using absolute path for JDK 1.7

SQL - JDBC batch insert inserts incorrect values

SQL - JDBC wrong hard-coded field-size limit

SQL - JDBC Shared Memory fix

SQL - JVM memory consumption

SQL - Length scalar function may corrupt data

SQL - MONEY problems with precision > 18 digits

SQL - Order By ignored in sub-queries

SQL - Order By with parameters may cause server crash with ODBC

SQL - Panic running sqlqa

SQL - Panic situation using Alias and OR operator

SQL - Prevent crash in SQLSnapshot:UpdateSnapshot

SQL - Query Builder bug with tables with '-' in table name

SQL - Query containing scalar subquery with outer references returns incorrect NULL column values

SQL - Query with all outer joins crashes server

SQL - Query with large number (>500) of OR predicates and/or large number (>500) of parameters crashes server

SQL - Restrictions not applied to views

SQL - Second execution of a certain query crashes server

SQL - Select with two levels of nested scalar subqueries

SQL - Server crash running parameterized insert statement with LVARCHAR parameter and > 50 parameters

SQL - Server crash calling CtreeSqlDataReader.GetBytes()

SQL - Exception when a SQL client connected while server was shutting down

SQL - Specifying multiple options in DH_JVM_OPTION_STRINGS may cause memory overwrite, etc.

SQL - Exception when RPC error occurs during SQL shared memory client logon

SQL - Slow performance on Group By Order By

SQL - Stored procedures failed with SQL_ERR_NOSTMT

SQL - Stored procedure not available if called before JVM initialized

SQL - Uninitialized variables cleanup

SQL - User-Defined Functions returned wrong result

SQL - Wrong query result joining on rowID with extra conditions

SQL - Wrong query result when mixing inner and outer joins

SQL - Wrong selectivity calculation for unique index with multiple components; last operator Not EQ

SQL - MM crash when multiple cursors requiring MM are opened

SQL Optimizer
