Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.3 Update Guide

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ctrbldif - c-treeACE Rebuild Utility

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Option to set index's automatic segment attributes

Updates in ctrbldif, ctcmpcif, and ctinfo handling of security attributes

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Option to set index's automatic segment attributes

If a segmented index file was deleted and rebuilt using the ctrbldif utility or the rebuild API function, the new index file was not segmented. The index file's segment attributes, which are stored in the index file, were lost when the index file was deleted.

Beginning with V10.3, an option is provided with the rebuild and compact utilities that causes index files that are created by the utilities to be created using automatic segments of the specified size and maximum. The option is:


where M is the maximum number of segments and S is the segment size. S is interpreted as megabytes by default. Two suffixes, MB and GB, are also supported. MB indicates that the value is in megabytes and GB indicates that the value is in gigabytes.


50 segments of 10 MB each:

ctrbldif test.dat -idxseg=50@10

100 segments of 300 MB each:

ctrbldif test.dat -idxseg=100@300MB

20 segments of 3 GB each:

ctrbldif test.dat -idxseg=20@3GB

Note: If the index files exist, the -idxseg option has no effect. It is only when the rebuild or compact utility creates new index files because the old index files do not exist that the -idxseg option affects the automatic segment properties of the index files.
