In V10.3, enhancements to the locking table allow the same file to be opened twice by the same thread with different locking applied each time. V11 further enhanced this behavior, as described below.
Starting in V10.3, c-treeACE supports opening the same file multiple times in the same connection assigning a different file number to each file or, in c-treeDB, a different file handle. This can be useful in situations where you want to allow the same file to be opened twice by the same thread with different locking attributes applied to each thread.
Each of these sibling files is referred to as a "co-file." For example, if the file customer.dat is opened in the same connection using file numbers 5 and 10, then we say that file 5 is a co-file of file 10, and vice versa.
In this case there are considerations about how locks interact within the same connection when operating using different co-files. For example, if a write lock is acquired on a record R using file number 5 within the same connection, what is the behavior of trying to acquire a lock on R using co-file number 10?
In this example, before this enhancement, FairCom Server behaved as follows:
The lock on R issued with co-file number 10 succeed and is considered a "secondary lock", while the lock acquired first (using file number 5) is considered "primary."
The difference in the locks manifests itself during calls to unlock the record: If the primary lock is unlocked first, then the primary lock and all the corresponding locks on co-files are removed. But if a secondary lock is unlocked before the primary lock is unlocked, then only the secondary user lock is removed; and the primary lock is maintained.
Any other connection saw the record locked until the primary lock was released.
This previous behavior has been maintained and it is the system-level default behavior.
It is now possible to configure the behavior choosing among 4 different options:
Recursive locks are not supported for co-files. An attempt to open a co-file when recursive locks are pending on the underlying file will fail with the error MUOP_RCR (998). An attempt to issue a lock on a co-file with the ctLK_RECR bit set in the lock mode will fail with the error MLOK_ERR (999).
Read locks behave in a manner consistent with write locks. The notable issues are:
The system-level default can be controlled by using one of the following configuration keywords which sets the behavior accordingly to their names.
A connection can override the system-level default for all open instances of a file by calling:
PUTHDR(datno, mode, ctMULTIOPNhdr)
Where mode is one of the following:
If no PUTHDR call is made, the system-level default is used for that connection's instances of the file. When a file is opened, if that connection already has the file open, the newly opened file inherits the MULTIOPN setting of the already-open file instance. An attempt to change the setting so that one instance of the file would be inconsistent with the others will fail with error MOFL_ERR. A file's MULTIOPN state can only be changed if it is the first open instance of the file and it has no pending locks.