Since there is no practical way to inspect a table and detect which CT_INT4 fields are actually MYTIME fields, a configuration is necessary for describing every table that has at least one MYTIME field.
By default, the FairCom DB SQL callback configuration file is called ctsqlcbk.ini. Both Windows and Unix based systems use the same configuration syntax and file name convention.
The syntax of the configuration file is similar to Windows .INI files. Comments are started with a semicolon character. Every character after a semicolon is treated as comments and will be ignored, as shown here.
Configuration .ini
; this is a table declaration
field = number, CT_FSTRING, 10 ; first field
Each table is described in the configuration file with the table name inside square brackets. Each table represents a section entry, followed by the table’s field, index and index segment definitions as shown above:
The fields are defined using the following syntax:
field = field-name, field-type, field-length
field-name is a string containing the field name. The field name should not be placed inside single or double quotes, and a comma must not be part of the field name.
field-type is one of the following:
Available Field Types |
field-length is an integer value representing the field length.
Conversion Example
field = number, CT_FSTRING, 10
field = seq, CT_INT2, 2
field = modwhen, CT_TIMES, 8
field = modby, CT_INT2, 2
field = code, CT_FSTRING, 5
After the field definitions, each index, with its segments, must be declared. The syntax for an index definition is:
index = keylen, nsegs
Conversion Example
field = number, CT_FSTRING, 10
field = seq, CT_INT2, 2
field = modwhen, CT_TIMES, 8
field = modby, CT_INT2, 2
field = code, CT_FSTRING, 5
index = 12, 2
segment = number, 2
segment = seq, 8
index = 13, 2
segment = code, 2
The index segment must follow the index declaration. Each index segment must be declared using the following syntax:
segment = field-name, segmode
field-name is a string containing the field name. The field name should not be placed inside single or double quotes, and a comma must be part of the field name.
segmode is an integer value representing an index segment mode.
seg = segoffset, seglength, segmode
segoffset is an integer value indicating the offset of the segment in the record buffer.
seglength is an integer value indicating the segment length in bytes.
segmode is an integer value representing an index segment mode.
Conversion Example
field = number, CT_FSTRING, 10
field = seq, CT_INT2, 2
field = modwhen, CT_TIMES, 8
field = modby, CT_INT2, 2
field = code, CT_FSTRING, 5
index = 12, 2
segment = number, 2
segment = seq, 8
index = 13, 2
segment = code, 2
Every table that has one or more MYTIME fields must be added to the configuration file. There is no special ordering of the tables. Below is an example of a configuration file with two tables: nmalert and nmmdesc.
Conversion Example
field = number, CT_FSTRING, 10
field = seq, CT_INT2, 2
field = modwhen, CT_TIMES, 8
field = modby, CT_INT2, 2
field = code, CT_FSTRING, 5
index = 12, 2
segment = number, 2
segment = seq, 8
index = 13, 2
segment = code, 2
field = number, CT_FSTRING, 10
field = modby, CT_INT2, 2
field = modwhen, CT_TIMES, 8
field = text, CT_STRING, 0
index = 10, 1
segment = number, 2