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Connection and Startup Issues

If replication is not working, check the following:

Is replication enabled for the file? Use the ctinfo utility to check this:

ctinfo yourreplicatedfile.dat ADMIN ADMIN FAIRCOMS

Look for:

Extended File Mode Details:

ctREPLICATE : file is replicated

  1. If replication is not enabled for the file:
    1. Check that the REPLICATE option is properly specified in ctsrvr.cfg.
    2. Add DIAGNOSTICS REPLICATE to ctsrvr.cfg. When opening a file, a message is logged if replication cannot be enabled for the file.
  2. If replication is enabled for the file:
    1. Check that the Replication Agent is running and is properly connected to source and target
    2. Check source server transaction log entries. Use the ctrepd utility and/or Replication Agent change log (enable the log_change_details option in ctreplagent.cfg).
    3. Check the replication exception log for errors:
      • Did the Replication Agent open the file on the target server?
      • Did applying adds/deletes/updates fail?

If you are using two-way replication or multiple Replication Agents connected to a server, be sure to set the unique_id option in the Replication Agent configuration file so that each Replication Agent has its own unique ID.

If you are doing two-way replication between servers on the same machine, use the REPL_NODEID option in both servers' configuration files to set unique node IDs for the servers.

If you use localhost or the DNS name for source_server or target_server in ctreplagent.cfg, you will need to use REPL_NODEID.

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Replication and Low-Level Operations - Error 919

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Replication and Low-Level Operations - Error 919

Low-level operations are not replicated, so these operations fail on replicated files with error 919, REPL_ERR "Low-level operations are not allowed on replicated files."

You will need to disable replication on the file prior to executing a low-level operation. To disable replication you can use a recent version (V11 or later) of the cttrnmod utility (located in tools/cmdline/admin/client). This requires exclusive access to the file.

To disable replication on a file prior to executing a low-level operation, follow these procedures:

  1. Check if replication is enabled for this file in ctsrvr.cfg via the REPLICATE keyword (either explicitly or via a wild card). You will need to remove this keyword and restart the server to prevent replication from being immediately re-enabled. If this is not convenient, you can temporarily disable transaction logging for a set of files so the keyword has no effect on these files:

    cttrnmod set P -f <filelist> -u <user> -p <password> -s <server>

    The -f <filelist> option specifies the name of a text file containing names of FairCom DB data files, one per line. When this option is specified, the utility operates on all files specified in that text file.

  2. Disable the replicate bit:

    cttrnmod set repl=off -f <filelist> -u <user> -p <password> -s <server>

  3. Run your low-level operation on the file.
  4. Re-enable transaction logging (if you disabled it in step 1):

    cttrnmod set T -f <filelist> -u <user> -p <password> -s <server>

  5. Re-enable replication:

    cttrnmod set repl=on -f <filelist> -u <user> -p <password> -s <server>

  6. If you removed the REPLICATE keyword, you can restore that now and restart the server again.

To restart replication on this file, you should generally do a full re-sync of all replicated files. If your replication target is fully caught up with the source server it is safe to re-sync only this file.
