Product Documentation

Server SDK Callbacks

FairCom Callbacks Developer's Guide

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Server SDK Callbacks

The FairCom Server SDK provides the advanced engineer the means to take control of the Server component of a client-server development project. Based on FairCom’s proven database engine, this technology exposes critical server-side subsystems and provides access to the source code components. In addition, the ability to use the FairCom DB Server “core engine” within your own custom server is also provided. Support for creating “user-defined” DLLs that can be dropped under a FairCom DB Server, further expands the flexibility for server-side development. Although seamlessly integrated into FairCom DB, we refer to these features as the FairCom DB Server SDK.

Licensing Restrictions

The FairCom Database SDK is provided with most FairCom DB Professional packages and you are encouraged to explore and implement your applications with any or all available custom functionality that results in the fastest and most functional application for your success. However, deployment of custom-built servers requires exclusive licensing from FairCom. Contact your FairCom account representative and we’ll be happy to make arrangements that best suit your needs.

In This Section

User-Defined Functions CTUSER and CTUSERX

Custom FairCom Database APIs


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User-Defined Functions CTUSER and CTUSERX

It may be desirable to create a centrally located user-defined function available to all client applications from the FairCom Database. CTUSER() and CTUSERX() provide this template function. Parameters for passing inbound and outbound data from the function are available with this extended version. CTUSER and CTUSERX are designed for calling external operations such as filesystem operations, and other application specific modules as they don’t provide a means of calling directly back into the core database engine. Further extending behavior, CTUSERX() can support loading a CTUSER() dynamic library and executing a specified function.

CTUSER and CTUSERX are not callback functions, but rather, user-defined functions. They do require the FairCom Server SDK to build.

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Custom FairCom Database APIs

For those looking for the ultimate customization, how about adding your own specific c-tree API into the FairCom server. ctcust.c is a direct core module providing exactly this control. CTCUST is provided as a low-level direct API stub that can be implemented and also allows direct calling into the core database engine. Thus you can extend existing functions, or add entirely new routines. A rich and flexible parameter block is used to pass extensive input and output parameters.

Build custom functions into c-tree.

Not a callback, but a custom built Server SDK feature:

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SIGNAL_READY and SIGNAL_DOWN are useful actions that can be defined for application initialization and shutdown routines coordinated with server start and stop actions. For example, the server can trigger external script actions to be taken when it is ready to begin processing, including notifying applications it is ready to begin work.

Signal actions, while by default, are defined as external scripts executed by the server, can be compiled into the server binary for secure deployment. User-defined parameters can then be passed into the built-in callback functions. Multiple parameters can be passed as needed for sequential actions.

SIGNAL_READY and SIGNAL_DOWN callbacks must be compiled directly into the server process using the FairCom Server SDK.
