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FairCom DB SQL Utilitiesctsqlimp - FairCom DB SQL Import Utilityctsqlimp Usage

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ctsqlimp Usage

ctsqlimp is used as follows (after creating the database file):

ctsqlimp <filename> [-d database] [-s server] [-u userid] [-a password]
[-n symbolic] [-o userid]
[-i] [-r] [-k] [-c] [-x] [-p|-P] [-z] [-g] [-b|-B] [-j]
[-w script] [-m idxname] [-e xmlfile] [-f s|z|sz] [-l size] [-q prefix]
[-h] [--rowid_fld] [--rowid_idx] [--tls] [--tls_cert cert]

  • <filename> - data file name/path (relative paths to FairCom DB directory)
  • -d database - database name (default: ctreeSQL)
  • -s server - FairCom DB SQL Server name (default: FAIRCOMS)
  • -u userid - userid for logging into FairCom DB SQL
  • -a password - password for authorization
  • -n symbolic - set SQL table name to symbolic symbolic
  • -o userid - set owner of table to userid
  • -i - non interactive mode: ignore errors and continue
  • -r - remove existing linked table (file is not deleted)
  • -k - skip fields that don't comply with conventional identifiers rules
  • -c - allow table names not complying with conventional identifiers rules
  • -x - skip indexes
  • -p - promote unsigned integer to greater signed type
  • -P - promote unsigned types to greater signed type and set check for fitting value
  • -z - allow indexes with missing string terminator in key segments
  • -g - ignore existing index name in IFIL resource
  • -b - (lowercase) switch grants all permissions on the table to the public
  • -B - (uppercase) switch grants read-only permissions on the table to the public

    Note: If both -B and -b are specified, the read-only setting takes precedence. Notice that the owner of the table and the DBA have all the permissions.
    This introduces a change in behavior for existing applications because this switch is now-case sensitive.

  • -j - non-interactive relink of existing table
  • -w script - write CREATE statements into script file script instead of importing the table
  • -m idxname - set index idxname as primary key
  • -e xmlfile - get DODA definitions from external XML file xmlfile
  • -f s | z | sz - force string padding to (s)paces (z)eroes or (sz)spaces zero terminated
  • -l size - specify LONGVAR* field size threshold
  • -q prefix - prefix SQL table name with prefix (when the -q option is combined with the symbolic table name option, -n, the prefix is prepended to the symbolic name instead to the table name)
  • -h - display usage help
  • --rowid_fld fldname - expose the ROWID value as field with name (table must have $ROWID$ field)
  • --rowid_idx idxname - expose index on the ROWID value with name (--rowid_fld option must be specified)
  • --tls - use a TLS connection with no certificate check (mutually exclusive with --tls_cert)
  • --tls_cert cert - use a TLS connection with certificate 'cert' (mutually exclusive with --tls)

Note: The parameters are case-sensitive. By default they are lower case unless otherwise stated.


To make existing c-tree files mydata.dat (containing proper IFIL and DODA resources) and mydata.idx accessible via FairCom DB SQL, follow these steps:

  1. Create a database named ctreeSQL.
  2. Copy your ISAM custmast.dat and custmast.idx files into the ctreeSQL.dbs subdirectory of the server's working directory.
  3. Ensure FairCom DB SQL is running, as ctsqlimp is a client application.
  4. Run the ctsqlimp utility found in the /tools/cmdline/admin/client/ directory of your FairCom DB installation:

    ctsqlimp custmast.dat -u ADMIN -a ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

  5. Run the Interactive SQL, isql, utility and issue the command:

    SELECT * FROM custmast;
