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Command-Line Administration Utilitiesctstat - Statistics UtilityAdmin-File Report -vaf

Database Administrator's Guide

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Admin-File Report -vaf

The admin-file (-vaf) report displays FairCom DB Server statistics for the specified file. Note that multiple data or index files can be specified on the command line. Below is a sample admin-file report produced by executing the command:

ctstat -vaf mark.dat mark.idx -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS -h 10

r/s w/s entries locks l%h %m dlock recrd node t filename

2 4 11863 4 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

0 4 11863 2 96 4 0 n/a 32768 I mark.idx

1 3 12192 4 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

0 9 12192 3 97 3 0 n/a 32768 I mark.idx

2 4 12730 5 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

0 3 12730 1 97 3 0 n/a 32768 I mark.idx

2 4 13236 5 100 0 0 128 n/a F mark.dat

0 2 13236 0 97 3 0 n/a 32768 I mark.idx

The columns shown in this report are described as follows:

r/s Disk reads per second for the file

w/s Disk writes per second for the file

entries Number of data records or key values in file

locks Number of locks currently held on file

l%h Lock hit rate for the file

%m Lock miss rate for the file

dlock Number of dead locks detected for the file

recrd Record length if data file, otherwise n/a

node Node size if index, otherwise n/a

t File type (F=fixed-length data, V=variable-length data, I=index)

filename Name of the file
