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Command-Line Administration Utilitiesctstat - Statistics UtilityTivoli-System Report -vts

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Tivoli-System Report -vts

The Tivoli-system (-vts) report displays FairCom DB Server system-wide statistics in the areas of cache usage, disk I/O, open files, established client connections, file locks, and transactions. The Tivoli-system report displays much of the same statistics that the admin-system (-vas) report displays, but in a format appropriate for input to tools such as the Tivoli monitoring application.


Below is a sample Tivoli-system report produced by executing the command:

ctstat -vts -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS -h 10 -i 2

#%cachehit %cachemiss r/s w/s maxfiles openfiles totalconnections activetransactions numdeadlock trans-r/s trans-w/s %hashhit %hashmiss transactions/s

92 8 0 0 10000 18 1 0 0 0 0 100 0 0

92 8 0 9 10000 18 1 0 0 0 17 100 0 1

92 8 0 0 10000 18 1 0 0 0 0 100 0 1

92 8 0 0 10000 18 1 0 0 0 0 100 0 1

92 8 0 1 10000 18 1 0 0 0 1 100 0 1

92 8 0 0 10000 18 1 0 0 0 0 100 0 1

Note: The header line shown in this example is written as a single output line although it may be shown on multiple lines here.

The columns shown in this report are described as follows:

%cachehit Data and index cache hit rate

%cachemiss Data and index cache miss rate

r/s Disk reads per second

w/s Disk writes per second

maxfiles Server limit on number of open files

openfiles Current number of open files

totalconnections Current number of client connections

activetransactions Current number of active transactions

numdeadlock Number of dead locks detected

trans-r/s Number of read operations per transaction

trans-w/s Number of write operations per transaction

%hashhit Lock hit rate

%hashmiss Lock miss rate

transactions/s Number of transactions per second
