Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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DEAD_CLIENT_INTERVAL idle_time_seconds

DEAD_CLIENT_INTERVAL controls the timeout interval, the number of seconds of client idle time after which the server checks the connection for that client. The default value is 1800 (30 minutes). Specify 0 to use the system default (typically about 2 hours), which was the V12.0 default behavior.

For the equivalent detection on the client side, see the ctCOMMOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL option of the ctSetCommProtocolOption function.

This affects TCP based connections using SQL and ISAM ports.

COMPATIBILITY TCPIP_CHECK_DEAD_CLIENTS enables an older method to carry out this check, which has a minimum setting of 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Note: The timeout interval only controls how often the FairCom Server sends a message to test the connection. Different operating systems use different timeout values on TCP/IP messages, so the actual delay before a dead client is dropped depends on when the operating system notifies the FairCom Server that the message failed.

Default: 1800 (30 minutes)
