Numeric types are used to manipulate numeric values that are too large for the scalar types or numeric values representing currency values. FairCom DB API implements the following numeric types:
CTBIGINT is a 64-bit signed integer type. Today most C compilers are capable of dealing with 64-bit integers. In the Windows operating system, Borland, Microsoft and Watcom use a __int64 type to represent native 64-bit integers, while in other operating systems such as Unix and Linux, 64-bit integers are represented as long long types.
The following set of functions converts of CTBIGINT into other FairCom DB API types.
Function |
Operation |
ctdbBigIntToLong |
Convert a CTBIGINT value to a long (32 bit signed integer). If the CTBIGINT value is too large for the conversion, ctdbBigIntToLong() return either CTDBRET_OVERFLOW or CTDBRET_UNDERFLOW errors. |
ctdbLongToBigInt |
Convert a long value to CTBIGINT. |
ctdbBigIntToFloat |
Convert a CTBIGINT value to CTFLOAT. |
ctdbFloatToBigInt |
Convert a CTFLOAT value to CTBIGINT. |
ctdbBigIntToString |
Convert a CTBIGINT value to string. |
ctdbStringToBigInt |
Convert a string to CTBIGINT value. |
CTMONEY represents a currency value in a 32-bit signed integer. The last two decimal digits of the value are used as the decimal part of the value. For example, a currency value of 123.45 is represented with CTMONEY as 12345. A currency value of 1 is represented in CTMONEY as 100.
Since all the operations performed on CTMONEY values are integer operations, this type offers exact currency value capabilities that do not need large values or large precision at excellent performance that is very close to 32-bit integer performance.
FairCom DB API provides the following set of functions to manipulate CTMONEY values, including functions for performing the basic arithmetic operations on CTMONEY values. These set of basic arithmetic operations are especially important in multiplication and division of CTMONEY values. Take for example the multiplication of two values such as 123.45 and 67.89. These values are represented in a CTMONEY type as 12345 and 6789 respectively. An integer multiplication on the values above, would give the result 83810205, which is 838102.05 in CTMONEY representation. This result is clearly wrong since the expected result would be 8381.02. The same principle applies to division operation. By using the CTMONEY API provided by FairCom DB API, the user will be able to operate correctly with CTMONEY values.
Function |
Operation |
ctdbMoneyToLong |
Convert a CTMONEY value to LONG. Only the integer portion of the CTMONEY value is converted to LONG, as the decimal portion of the CTMONEY value is ignored for the conversion. |
ctdbLongToMoney |
Convert LONG to CTMONEY . |
ctdbMoneyToFloat |
Convert CTMONEY value to CTFLOAT. |
ctdbFloatToMoney |
Convert CTFLOAT value to CTMONEY . |
ctdbMoneyToString |
Convert CTMONEY value to string. |
ctdbStringToMoney |
Convert string to CTMONEY value. |
ctdbMoneyAdd |
Add two CTMONEY values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left + right. |
ctdbMoneySub |
Subtract two CTMONEY values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left - right. |
ctdbMoneyMul |
Multiply two CTMONEY values and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left * right. |
ctdbMoneyDiv |
Divide two CTMONEY values and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left / right. If the value of right is zero, ctdbMoneyDiv() returns CTDBRET_DIVBYZERO. |
ctdbMoneyCmp |
Compare two CTMONEY values left and right and return zero value if left is equal to right. Return negative value if left is less than right and return a positive value if left is greater than right. |
ctdbMoneyAbs |
Return the absolute value of a CTMONEY value. |
CTCURRENCY represents a currency value in a 64-bit signed integer. The last four decimal digits of the value are used as the decimal part of the value. Example: a currency value of 123.45 is represented with CTCURRENCY type as 1234500. A currency value of 1 is represented in CTCURRENCY as 10000.
Since all the operations performed on CTCURRENCY values are integer operations, this type offers exact currency value capabilities with large value capabilities and good precision at excellent performance that is very close to 64-bit integer performance.
pResult provides the following set of functions to manipulate CTCURRENCY values, including functions for performing the basic arithmetic operations on CTCURRENCY values. This set of basic arithmetic operations are especially important in multiplication and division of CTCURRENCY values. Take for example the multiplication of two values such as 123.45 and 67.89. These values are represented in a CTCURRENCY type as 1234500 and 678900 respectively. An integer multiplication on the values above would yield 838102050000, which is 83810205.0000 in CTCURRENCY representation. This result is clearly wrong since the expected result would be 8381.02. The same principle applies to division operation. By using the CTCURRENCY API provided by pResult , the user will be able to operate correctly with CTCURRENCY values.
FairCom DB API Function |
Operation |
ctdbMoneyToCurrency |
Convert a CTMONEY value to CTCURRENCY value. |
ctdbCurrencyToMoney |
Convert a CTCURRENCY value to CTMONEY value. |
ctdbCurrencyToLong |
Convert a CTCURRENCY value to a LONG value. |
ctdbLongToCurrency |
Convert a LONG value to CTCURRENCY value. |
ctdbCurrencyToBigInt |
Convert a CTCURRENCY value to CTBIGINT value. |
ctdbBigIntToCurrency |
Convert a CTBIGINT value to CTCURRENCY value. |
ctdbCurrencyToFloat |
Convert a CTCURRENCY value to a CTFLOAT value. |
ctdbFloatToCurrency |
Convert a CTFLOAT value to CTCURRENCY value. |
ctdbCurrencyToString |
Convert a CTCURRENCY value to a string. |
ctdbStringToCurrency |
Convert a string to a CTCURRENCY value. |
ctdbCurrencyAdd |
Add two CTCURRENCY values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left + right. |
ctdbCurrencySub |
Subtract two CTCURRENCY values left and right, and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left - right. |
ctdbCurrencyMul |
Multiply two CTCURRENCY values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left * right. |
ctdbCurrencyDiv |
Divide two CTCURRENCY values left, and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left / right. If the value of right is zero, ctdbCurrencyDiv() returns CTDBRET_DIVBYZERO. |
ctdbCurrencyCmp |
Compare two CTCURRENCY values. If the value of left and right are equal, ctdbCurrencyCmp() return zero. If left is greater than right return a positive value. If the value of left is less than right return a negative value. |
ctdbCurrencyAbs |
Return the absolute value of CTCURRENCY value. |
ctdbCurrencyRound |
Round the CTCURRENCY value to the number of decimal places specified by scale. |
CTNUMBER corresponds to a number with a given precision (maximum number of digits) and scale (the number of digits to the right of the decimal point). Numeric values can have maximum values of 32 digits precision and scale of 0 (this is 99999999999999999999999999999999), which can represent very large exact values.
pResult provides the following set of functions to manipulate this very powerful number representation.
Function |
Operation |
ctdbMoneyToNumber |
ctdbNumberToMoney |
ctdbNumberToLong |
Convert CTNUMBER to LONG. |
ctdbLongToNumber |
Convert LONG to CTNUMBER. |
ctdbNumberToBigInt |
ctdbBigIntToNumber |
ctdbNumberToCurrency |
ctdbCurrencyToNumber |
ctdbNumberToFloat |
ctdbFloatToNumber |
ctdbNumberToString |
Convert CTNUMBER to string. |
ctdbStringToNumber |
Convert String to CTNUMBER. |
ctdbNumberAdd |
Add two CTNUMBER values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left + right. |
ctdbNumberSub |
Subtract two CTNUMBER values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left - right. |
ctdbNumberMul |
Multiply two CTNUMBER values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left * right. |
ctdbNumberDiv |
Divide two CTNUMBER values left and right and store the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = left / right. If the value of right is zero, ctdbNumberDiv() return CTDBRET_DIVBYZERO. |
ctdbNumberZero |
Set the value pointed by pNumber to zero. |
ctdbIsNumberZero |
Return YES if the value pointed by pNumber is zero. |
ctdbNumberCmp |
Compare two CTNUMBERs and return zero if both numbers are equal. Return a negative value if pLeft is less than pRight. Return a positive value if pLeft is greater than pRight. |
ctdbNumberAbs |
Return the absolute value of the number pointed to by pResult. |
ctdbNumberNegate |
Invert the sign of the value pointed to by pSource and place the result in pResult. The mathematical equivalent of this function would be pResult = -pSource. |
ctdbNumberCopy |
Copy the value of the number pointed to by pSource into pDest. In other words, assign the value of pSource into pDest. |
ctdbNumberRound |
Round the value pointed to by num to the number of decimal digits (digits to the right of the decimal point) indicated by scale. |
ctdbNumberGetDecimal |
Given the CTNUMBER data, ctdbNumberGetDecimal() retrieves the number of digits to the left of the decimal point and store it in digit_before and retrieves the number of digits to the right of decimal point and stores it in digit_after. |