Product Documentation

c-treeRTG COBOL Edition User's Guide

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c-treeRTG Configuration and Management

After you have set up c-treeRTG, you will need to do some configuration and management:

Configuration (ctree.conf)

The c-treeRTG configuration file, ctree.conf, is an XML file that contains Structure Elements, which define the structure of the system, such as the server to connect to and any files that need special treatment and Settings Elements, which specify the settings to be applied to the Structure Elements. See c-treeRTG Configuration and Configuration File Elements.

Management (ctutil)

ctutil is a general purpose c-treeRTG file maintenance utility, used ctutil to examine files, extract data records, change maximum record sizes, and rebuild corrupted indexes. Much of ctutil's functionality is comparable to Vision's vutil utility for a familiar feel, however, ctutil includes many additional c-treeRTG extensions and features. You will use this utility, and several others, for managing c-treeRTG. See c-treeRTG Utilities.
